This 3-year-Old Needs Your Help To Fight A Dangerous Blood | Milaap
This 3-year-Old Needs Your Help To Fight A Dangerous Blood Disorder
  • Ankit

    Created by

  • MP

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Master Prince Swani Nanda

    from Baleshwar, Odisha

“When he sees that we’re dressed up and ready to go out, he shrinks in fear. He knows that we’re heading to the hospital and it’s the one place he would like to avoid at all costs. So far, the life he has lived has been nothing short of traumatising. Visiting hospital after hospital, he knows that going there means several tests and painful needles. He wants it to end and he begs us not to take him back there, but it's the only way to save him…” - Mayuri, mother

Tests found that their child had an abnormal haemoglobin count

Prince Swani Nanda is a sweet little boy, full of vigour. But if you look closer, you will see the apprehension and exhaustion etched on his face. He was only 6 months old, when he was diagnosed with a dangerous blood disorder. Now, at 3-years old, all Prince has known is countless hospital visits and painful treatments.

It started with high fevers when he was only 6 months old, and then severe vomiting. At first, he was given medicines for his fever, which would subside but return only days later. This happened several times, until his paediatrician noticed that he was paler than usual. He advised that we get an HPLC test done to determine what was going on. I had no idea what that meant, and the fear of the unknown crept in. When the results came back, they explained to me that my son had a blood disorder and he would need urgent treatment or we could lose him. No parent is ever prepared to hear that..” - Biswabhusan, father

A dangerous blood disorder is threatening his life

Prince suffers from thalassemia major, an inherited blood disorder. The body produces an abnormal form of haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying protein molecule in the blood. It causes excessive destruction of red blood cells, leading to anemia.  For the past 3 years, Prince has been undergoing regular blood transfusions along with medicines to control the iron build-up in his body. But that isn’t feasible anymore.

“The doctors told us that thalassemia major is a more severe form of the disorder, and the only long-term cure is a bone-marrow transplant. I was very perplexed and afraid at first, but they got us in touch with a patient who had the same disorder and underwent a transplant. Seeing this child doing very well gave me hope that my son too will be able to recover and live a normal life.

A bone-marrow transplant is his only hope, but his parents are struggling to afford it

The constant hospital visits and blood transfusions are taking a toll on Prince’s body and a bone-marrow transplant is his only option now. But after spending all they had these past few years on his treatment, his parents are in a difficult predicament. They cannot afford the cost, INR 25.5 lakhs, that this life-saving procedure comes at.

“These 3 years have passed by in a blur. There were barely any happy moments that we experienced. We’ve always been on edge worried for our child, and our lives have revolved around him and his treatment. We hail from a small village in Orissa, and as the owner of a little garment shop, I don’t make much money. Everything I had and all of my monthly income has gone towards my son’s treatment. There’s only so much my relatives could do to help me… But now, I am left with nothing. How can I possibly save my child with no money?”

Their only child, this little boy is very precious to his parents. Their little Prince continues to fight a life-threatening disease, and he needs your help to win this battle. Your contributions can help Prince get a bone marrow transplant, and live a long and happy life. Click here to donate.

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