Help In An Emergency: Bihar Flood Appeal 2017 | Milaap
Help In An Emergency: Bihar Flood Appeal 2017 #BiharFloods2017
  • Arshul

    Created by

    Arshul Mohammed
  • AM

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Arshul Mohammed

    from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Flooding in the last week of July has brought tremendous devastation impacting 18 districts in Assam, 24 districts in Bihar and 28 districts in Uttar Pradesh. There has been massive damage and loss of life and property.

You can lend your helping hand in bringing normalcy to the lives of lakhs of children and their families.

We have already begun our relief operations by partnering with local volunteers in the affected areas in order to meet our target of providing immediate relief and early recovery material.

The Immediate relief comprises of Water, Food, Non-Food Items (Tarpaulins, Hygiene kits, Floor mats, etc.) as well as other much needed items for the affected people.

In the past, we had helped an Afghan Refugee Family (You can read the story here: and had provided Ration Packs to 100+ families in the month of Ramadhan (You can read the story here:

Every bit of support counts in helping them move past the effects of this tragedy. With your support, we can help them bring back normalcy into their lives.

Immediate Needs:
  • Safe Drinking Water
  • Hygiene Kits
  • ORS
  • Water Purification Sachets
  • Food Baskets (Dry Food)
  • Mosquito Nets/Solar lamps/Torch/Candles/ Match boxes
  • Clothes
  • Medicines
  • Ground Sheets
  • Tarpaulin tents
Please donate generously.

Your support can save and change lives.

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