“Every day we’re scared that he might not make it to the next morning. We're waiting for the day we can live without the fear and worry of losing him." - Priyanka, Chatanya's mother
Baby Chatanya is barely 2-years-old but is already fighting a severe heart disease that is pushing him closer to complete heart failure. Chatanya was born with a hole in his heart and his parents, Sandeep and Priyanka, haven’t spent a single day without worrying about his life. The only thing that can save Chatanya now is an urgent heart surgery. Without which, Sandeep and Priyanka might lose their only child.
Every breath is a struggle for baby Chatanya
Sandeep and Priyanka couldn’t even celebrate their baby’s birth because they were given the worst news of their life at that very moment – Chatanya had a serious heart disease that impaired his heart’s ability to function and pump blood normally. Every breath is a struggle and every day a battle for survival for him.“Every time he cries, he turns completely blue. He then finds it difficult to breathe and continues crying, gasping for breath. The first time it happened when he was born, we were terrified. The doctors told us that it was because of his heart condition. Even now when he cries, I hold my breath because I don’t know when his heart will stop beating. This is the only reality my baby has known. Even crying is putting his life at risk now.”
Chatanya has been shuttling between home and hospital for regular checkups for almost two years now. His little fingers and toes are constantly blue and he’s always in discomfort. Chatanya is too small to even know that his heart is slowly giving up on him, but his parents live in the fear of losing him every day.
Chatanya can be saved with an urgent heart surgery, but his parents are struggling
Sandeep and Priyanka want their baby healthy more than anything. They long to see him have a normal childhood and grow up to have a happy future. For now, all their dreams have come to a standstill. Even tomorrow remains uncertain for their little one without heart surgery. However, Sandeep and Priyanka are helpless. They have no means to save their baby boy and are desperate for help.“He’s made it so far because of how strong he is, but things can’t go on for very long like this. Only a heart surgery can save his life now. Time is ticking and we’re more helpless than ever. Chatanya is our life. We have to save him and take him back home. He hasn’t even learnt to call out to us yet, how can he fight this big battle on his own?”
Sandeep and Priyanka are desperate to save their baby
How You Can Help
Baby Chatanya needs an urgent heart surgery to survive. Sandeep works in a warehouse in Rohtak, Haryana, and doesn’t earn enough to pay for his son’s treatment. Chatanya cries all day, and has had no respite from pain ever since his birth. He can be free from the pain and suffering. His life can be saved with surgery.Your support can save Chatanaya’s life.