Nutrition for 300 Malnourished children | Milaap
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Nutrition for 300 Malnourished children
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Need Rs.10,000
  • PT

    Created by

    Prasoon Tripathi
  • MC

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Malnourished Children

    from Nashik, Maharashtra

There are about 276 million people in India who survive on less than 150 rupees/day. As a result of this we have a cycle of malnutrition especially among young children. At present there are about 46.6 million children under age 5 who are malnourished.It is one of the biggest concerns that gets to us when we have a child who is already experiencing malnutrition and the fact that the child's immune system is already being compromised.
It means that child is going to be less likely to be able to fight off diseases.
The things like delay in growth, delay in development and an increase in the number and the severity of diseases experienced by the child, all of these things are going to lead to an overall decrease in the life time productivity of the child.
To tackle this we have manufactured a product which will tend to eliminate this grave problem of malnutrition which we are going to distribute for free.
All we gotta do is just mix 1 spoon of this powder in the food the child eats and it will fulfill all the missing nutritional values in the child's diet.
Manufacturing cost of this product is Rs. 210/- per person per month including the packaging cost, so it's a request to all please help us to make more and more of this product and let us fight this battle against Malnutrition together.

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