Nandini Homestead | Milaap
This is a supporting campaign. Contributions made to this campaign will go towards the main campaign.
Nandini Homestead
  • Anonymous

    Created by

  • RK

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Mandangad, Maharashtra

Our shared vision is to establish a self reliant , caring and sustainable eco learning centre.
Our focus areas are..
Natural living--Reduce your Trash,use biodegradable household cleaning agents.
Permaculture... Holistic philosophy and ecological design
Gardening & Stewardship...Multiple Layer Plants(Subash Palekar Model),Raised Bed Garden,Hugelkultur,Suryamandal (Bhaskar Save Model)
Sustainable Design....Exploring the relationship between consumerism, waste and our attitude towards the natural environment

Sustainable Eco Community---
After traveling through rural India for more than seven years, in the June of 2016, I started living in a different remote villages in India, One of them is  Dhesai Madhya Pradesh ,this area is called dry region of India though it get adequate rainfall almost 1000 mm in a year.In this village most of farmers are generally poor they take hardly one crop of paddy only and land remain uncultivated for rest of year.Living in the village we find lot of opportunities of food forest here,Here Date Palm,Pomegranate,apple ber,Mango,Custard apple ,Pistachio nut can be grown and add to income of farmer thus leading to sustainability,Last year we dig our ponds,three ponds two have dried but in one(to our surprise water has maintained its  level till end of year.So this year it seems it will be full of water throughout the year,we are making a village well and we hope to get water at 25 feet as some of village well are full of water at this depth,this well has been dug upto 10 ft depth and work has ceased due to lack of fund.

Being set up in more than 10 acres of land, our community shall be protype  of an Abundant village, being built by the villagers, for the villagers. It will be a center for learning, practice, demonstration and dissemination of the knowledge on how any community in this region can organize itself to be Socially cohesive, Ecologically sustainable manner..

How you can help
We are demonstrating natural farming by setting up a model farm of 2 acres ,we shall adopt Subash Palekar and Bhaskar Save model,Hugelkulture. Our community is currently in need of funding to make the Fish Pond on the model farm. The earthworks enhance the water holding capacity of the land, and allow intensely productive bio-diversity to thrive. In aquatic ecosystems, we have four layers that similarly work together to create a balanced ecosystem.
1.Marginal plants
2.Floating plants
3.Rooted floating plants
4.Submerged (oxygenating) plants
This pond will used to grow all four layers and fish.We shall integrate with it sheep,cow,duck and Native Poultry breed.Cow and sheep manure will be composted with EM (effective micro-organisms) Technology.
Our another model is Free Range Happy Hen Kajiji--true to our name we do that it needs to keep our hens happy. We provide enough  space to forage, During day they have fun basking in the sunshine, sand bath, rest on trees, socialize , fly & engage in just what they love to do. Humane, Ethical & Sustainable practices.
Free Range Hens Eggs – beyond organic – a holistic food !!
Our organically maintained pastures is a source of highly nutritious plants, seeds, insects, legumes,azolla etc which our desi hens love to endlessly scratch, peck & eat. In addition a nutritionally balanced grain diet, fresh water and added herbs keeps not only our hens healthy but also makes them lay the best quality eggs.

Nutritional Info: Rich in Omega 3 , Carotenoids,choline & Protein.

We shall generate some income with integrated farming ,this will help the return to youth  back to the village.
Why do we need a demonstrative Eco community?
The glamorization of urban life is robbing the villages off their youth. The rich traditional knowledge suddenly has no takers, and the keepers of the same are dying. Stuck in the current paradigms of consumption driven growth, rural India is getting dangerously close to becoming intellectually bankrupt... The loss of this knowledge is reducing the self-reliant “providers” into helpless “consumers”.

Just in case you are interested in the Story
I quit my city job being fed up of  corporate culture. This decision gave me the opportunity to explore the country I called mine, but never knew much about. I then traveled for more than seven years across rural India.
Let's  Create A Life Together

You can also do a bank transfer to the below mentioned account setup for this fundraising campaign:

Account number: 004601511853
Account name: RAJEEV KUMAR PAL
Branch--33,Community Centre,New Friends Colony,New Delhi
MICR CODE--110229007

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