Watch the inspiring story of Devi Gupta, a survivor of | Milaap
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Watch the inspiring story of Devi Gupta, a survivor of domestic abuse
  • Maitri

    Created by

    Maitri Doshi
  • C

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Raigad, Maharashtra

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Chaakri

Chaakri, a fully volunteer run organisation, was launched in 2005 to promote employment and support to women in rural district of Raigad. All the women come from marginalized backgrounds.

Chaakri signifies ‘seva’ and ‘service’ in the Hindi language. A social enterprise, the employed women are trained to make khakhras. Today these khakhras are sold not only in India but internationally too, a matter of great pride for these women.

Devi Gupta, is one such woman. Physically and mentally abused for years by her husband, Devi has had a really tough past. After her husband's demise due to alcoholism, Chaakri holistically supported Devi by not only giving her a job but becoming her support system for everything - children's education, health, counselling, financial management, etc.

Today, Devi lives a life of confidence and dignity. And has become the support of many other women in her village.

Chaakri employs 90 women as of now. The organization is looking to support more women but doesn't have the infrastructure and space to do so. With a vision of hiring more women, Chaakri is raising funds to set up a factory to accommodate more women.

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