Support to ensure quality education for 1000 children from | Milaap
This is a supporting campaign. Contributions made to this campaign will go towards the main campaign.
Support to ensure quality education for 1000 children from rural MP
  • Jitendra

    Created by

    Jitendra Panchal
  • C

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Rural Madhya Pradesh

Kumkum is a 10-year-old child who studies in 4th grade in a nearby school in her village in Madhya Pradesh, namely, Jhutawad.  The village is at a distance of 80 km from the Ujjain district where the majority of the population used to rely on agricultural activities for its sustenance until the struggle to make the ends meet called many families to migrate to nearby towns for better opportunities.  
Kumkum's family is among a few left in the agriculture business and all the members spend their major part of the day in the fields. Her family wants to see her getting a quality education.
Due to the COVID outbreak, the most immediate change that she witnessed was her annual exams getting canceled for which she had prepared a lot. Earlier, she was supported by her family members, then and now, through her course work but this soon came to an end when her aunt saw a dearth of resources to make her learn. Also, with the onset of the harvest season, the family was left without a moment to spare on her education.

86 percent of class 5 students are not able to perform basic division and this academic gap is increasing day by day.

Children like Kumkum deserve the best opportunities to access quality education. There's a big gap that the COVID outbreak has created.
What you can change?
Support  of INR 1440 for the education of 1 child for 1 year
Support  of INR  150 can give access to quality education of once child for one month
Support of INR 2500 can support a stipend of one youth for one month.

What did we want to achieved/ Impact?

Access to quality education for 1000 Children
No of Youth - 10
No of Student leader - 100
No of Govt. Rural School - 10

How will the funds be used?
 Training and Monitoring - INR 25000
Stipend - INR 2500 per month for 10 Youth for 10 month - INR 250000

Every penny that you donate will go into the capacity building of such youth and creating platforms that provide every child with an environment that builds upon their skills to gain education from the best quality institutions.

Who are we?
Mera Gaon Meri Dunia is a group of passionate individuals who are enabling change across communities by empowering the youth to transform the ecosystem.

The vision of Mera Gaon Meri Dunia is to build an ecosystem for the youth to bring sustainable social change with their community. MGMD is trying to reduce the gap between passionate individuals who want to work with and their community in rural India.

Why partner with Mera Goan Meri Dunia?
  • We possess an experience of bringing about systemic changes in education at the grassroots
  • We have worked intensively and extensively with local youth to build upon their leadership
  • We have a strong network of dedicated youth who envision quality in education for their village
  • We are an organization founded by the local youth- trying to live our dream of quality education
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