Help Me In Saving Life Of The Stray Animals | Milaap
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Help Me In Saving Life Of The Stray Animals
  • Ashish

    Created by

    Ashish Tripathi
  • Sd

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Stray dogs

    from New Delhi, Delhi

I'm Sanya raj, founder of gogo. raj. I'm 18years old. I used to feed daily 2times a day 100+ stray dogs, cats, cows, birds. Right now I'm handling 6 canine distemper cases & 2 tick fever cases and 1 vaginal tumour case and 8 maggots wound. I provide medical treatment.
I do vaccination drives
I do sterilisation drives

With my current pending cases and medical bills. I have come to one of the most difficult positions to sustain what I do.

I - I'm a student, 18years old. I don't even start earning as my studies are still going on.

The last 2months has been an emotional and mental turmoil, and of course financially too.

Without your constant love & support. I won't be able to manage this.
As I'm alone.

Everyone is already aware of my distemper CASES ** !!!!!!!!
And now 2more tick fever cases added.
And 1 vaginal tumour case & Urinary tract infection also. And 1paw injured wound admitted in Friendicoes. And Vaginal tumour dog is admitted to Bagheera foundation. Everything takes money, nothing comes free. I ALWAYS GO TO PRIVATE HOSPITALS, NEVER VISIT GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS !!!!

I don't have any group or volunteer, I work alone. Do vet visits alone, lift dogs alone, do rescues alone. Vaccination- sterilisation drives ALONE...

My 5dogs are in foster permanent care and some are admitted.

I'M EXTREMELY DISTURBED, EXHAUSTED. My distemper dogs are getting back to normal negative, but nothing comes free of cost !!!!!!

<All the bills, prescription , payment screenshots, ambulance charges, boarding charges, foster charges, admit charges,  everything is mentioned in my id>

Utilization of funds:

1. Hospital expenses
2. Food
3. shelter for strays 

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