Milaap partners with DCBS in serving for | Milaap
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About DCBS

Dhosa Chandaneswar Bratyajana Samity (DCBS), is a microfinance institution focused on integrated women’s development in the South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal. DCBS lends to women through member groups. So far, DCBS has disbursed loans covering income-generation, health, energy and education. Milaap’s partnership with DCBS makes solar lighting affordable and available to rural households in West Bengal. These families, often cut-off from the power grid, rely on costly, toxic kerosene lamps – so that children can study and adults can work after sunset. Solar lighting is a cheap, clean alternative – a one-time investment that improves health, productivity, and savings.

Total amount disbursed


Loans given


Repayment rate

67 %

Loans from this partner

Rahima Akhand And Group