Vijaya's family now has a toilet constructed at home | Milaap
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Vijaya's family now has a toilet constructed at home

Written by Gautham Publish date 21-Jun-2017
Vijaya and her group
Vijaya and her group

Vijaya wasn't available at her residence and her husband spoke over the phone on her behalf. She is a married woman with a son. Her husband is a construction worker and her son has a bakery.Vijaya helps her son to run the bakery. With a meager monthly income, it is very difficult for Vijaya to meet daily ends. Vijaya prioritizes hygiene over everything else in life.She kept insisting on having a toilet at home, despite the difficult financial condition of the family. Now there is a fully constructed toilet at her household and Vijaya lives in a hygienic environment. Vijaya was looking out for an avenue to fund her toilet and she heard about Guardian, Milaap's field partner. Now she has a fully constructed toilet at home. Vijaya is grateful to the lenders worldwide.

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