Sharada is now an entrepreneur | Milaap
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Sharada is now an entrepreneur

Written by Mugdha Publish date 11-Apr-2018
Sharada in-front of her shop
Sharada in-front of her shop

Sharada Chougala and few of her friends were chatting as we entered her house. Sharda lives in Janwad village in Karnataka. She lives with her husband, two kids and mother-in-law. Her husband works on the farm while she looks after small shop in front of her house. She has a son and a daughter. They are studying in school. Sharada initially took a loan for buying a buffalo. But after few months she sold it an invested the same amount in opening the shop. Janwad is a very small village and people needs to walk a long distance to buy daily necessities. Sharada thought it was good opportunity to open a shop. Being the only shop in the village she has a stable income and good customer base. Sharada and her mother-in-law look after the shop. They go to the city once in a month to refill the stock and purchase things from wholesalers.

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