Lalremtluangi, a young mother struggled but never lost hope | Milaap
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Lalremtluangi works hard for her daughter’s future

Written by Rachit Sharma Publish date 04-Nov-2015
Lalremtluangi with her little daughter at her shop
Lalremtluangi with her little daughter at her shop

Due to the unavailability of the leader of the group, Zawni, we decided to meet another member of the group, Lalremtluangi. The Wednesday morning started with a drizzle that cleaned the sky for the arrival of sun, it was those rare days when sun was shimmering in its full glow in Aizawl, Capital of state of Mizoram. Luangmual is a locality in Aizawl with the steepest roads and most beautiful landscapes. One such treacherous road took us to Lalremtluangi’s home. Lalremtluangi is a 25 years old young mother a little girl. She lives with her parents. Her father is a driver in Irrigation Department and her mother looks after the household. Lalremtluangi’s brother lives separately with his family. It was some months ago that Lalremtluangi got divorced from her husband, she is also expecting another baby. But the struggle didn’t make her any weak, after coming to her parent’s home she expanded the family shop with the help of the loan from Milaap. Now the shop has gifts and stationary items besides general products like biscuits, milk, oil etc. Lalremtluangi is able to earn around Rs.15,000 a month which helps the family substantially. She is happy with the utilization of the loan which helped the family. Lalremtluangi says that she had worked hard to make things work and she would love to again apply for the loan. She believes that whatever she is doing it is for the future of her daughter and the coming child. She is a loving mother who has been supporting her parents too. Also, she is looking forward to get married again soon. 

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