Kohinur will educate her children for as long as they want to | Milaap
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Kohinur will educate her children for as long as they want to study

Written by Boaz Eapen Publish date 06-Jan-2016
Kohinur in her home
Kohinur in her home

Hasinur is in 10th class now. His mother Kohinur used to run a grocery shop, which they closed recently due to lack of money. Her husband does vegetable business. He is doing the vegetable business since before his marriage. From the vegetable business he earns around Rs 300 in a day.They have 4 children and have to manage their education costs, so it became difficult  to run the shop. Kohinur took the loan for covering Hasinur's tuition fees, pay for buying educational materials etc. 

Hasinur's wants to continue studies. His mother said that she will teach her children as long as they want to study and desires that they will have a good job in future. He helps his father in his work sometimes. He also like to play cricket. His mother said that he is very simple and good in behavior. 

Kohinur is a member of BJS (Milaap's partner) from 7 years. With the help of the loan they were able to start their grocery shop, buy a vehicle and educate their children properly. She desires to start the grocery shop again. 

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