From Darkness To Dignity Help Us Secure A Future For Visually | Milaap
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From Darkness To Dignity Help Us Secure A Future For Visually Impaired Girls

Challenges Faced by Visually Impaired Girls

1. Family Rejection: Many blind girls face abandonment by their families upon discovering their visual impairment.
2. Economic Hardship: Without familial support, these girls struggle to meet their basic needs, including food and shelter.

3. Educational Barriers: Limited access to education due to the lack of resources tailored to visually impaired students.

4. Vulnerability to Exploitation: Girls with visual impairments are often targeted by predators when left alone on the streets.

5. Social Stigma: Prevailing societal misconceptions contribute to the isolation and discrimination faced by visually impaired girls.

6. Lack of Independence: Without proper support and skills training, these girls find it challenging to lead independent lives.

7. Limited Opportunities: Opportunities for personal and professional growth are restricted due to societal biases against the visually impaired.

8. Emotional Strain: The emotional toll of abandonment and societal neglect affects the mental well-being of these girls.

9. Safety Concerns: Living on the streets exposes them to various dangers, further exacerbating their vulnerabilities.

10. Healthcare Challenges: Access to healthcare becomes a challenge, affecting their overall well-being.

The Battle for Blindness Foundation

The Battle for Blindness Foundation, founded in 2020 by Ram Kumar, serves as a safe place for visually impaired girls. Beyond shelter, the foundation focuses on providing education, skills training, and a supportive environment to empower these girls to lead independent lives.

Currently, the foundation faces financial challenges, including rent, food, and educational expenses. These financial constraints jeopardize the foundation's ability to continue providing a secure haven for these vulnerable girls.

Your contributions will help cover essential expenses, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for visually impaired girls. Together, we can make a significant difference in their lives, offering them a chance at a brighter and more independent future. Every contribution, no matter the size, counts toward creating a lasting impact.

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Registration Number - AAOCM6666MF20229
EIN 20-5139364
Click here to know more about Visually Impaired Girls