He Slipped Into A Coma From Intestinal Complications, Now His | Milaap

He Slipped Into A Coma From Intestinal Complications, Now His Parents Struggle To Save Him

He was playing around with his brother in the house when he complained of a stomach ache which looked quite severe. So we took him to the hospital for a check-up, but within a few hours, he was rushed into the operation theatre as he had major complications in his intestine. It was the last time we saw our child in a conscious state. Now, he is fighting for his life in the NICU.”
- Raju father

He slipped into a coma and now fights for his life in the NICU

2-year-old Reshwanth was diagnosed with Intestinal Perforation, defined as a loss of continuity of the bowel wall, a potentially devastating complication that required early medical intervention. So, Reshwanth was taken into surgery soon after his diagnosis. However, after 12 hours of surgery, the little boy suffered from a sepsis shock and was rushed to a bigger hospital in an ambulance.

“We were told to take him to Hyderabad and an ambulance was also arranged for the same, as soon as we got in, he stopped responding and the doctor with us said he had slipped into a coma. The entire way was no less than hell for us. We thought we lost our son, but he now he has come back to us. He is yet to open his eyes, and I know he will soon.” - Renuka, mother

He needs continued NICU stay to recover

The distance of 150 km seemed forever for these parents and every second they prayed for their child’s life to be saved. They have come so far and struggled so much to keep their child alive. But now, they are running out of money to continue their his treatment. Reshwanth needs NICU care for just a few more days. 
“I am a bus driver and my wife is a daily wage labourer, our incomes are just enough to keep our family afloat but it is nowhere enough to afford my son’s treatment. Till now I have done everything in my power to save my child. I borrowed from my friends and relatives, took loans and even sold my land but it is not enough.” - Raju

They need your help

Everyone at the home is terrified. They only know what we tell them on the phone, but what we see is far more daunting. He is attached to all these tubes and wires, and hasn’t moved his body even for an inch in the last 10 days. I want to talk to him and tell him that everything is going to be fine... I just want everything to get back to normal. Help us take our son back home, please.” - Renuka

 Your small contribution can save this 2-year-old from his misery and help him go back home. Click to donate.
Patient Vanga Sai Reshwath Reddy is 2 years old, living in Hyderabad, Telangana
Being treated in Rainbow Children's Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana

Receiving PICU Care treatment for Intestinal Perforation

Click here to know more about Vanga Sai Reshwath Reddy