This Teenager Is Critical In ICU On Ventilatory Support | Milaap

This Teenager Is Critical In ICU On Ventilatory Support Fighting For His Life

Despite being on oxygen support, Tausif still runs out of breath when he tries to speak. He is inaudible so he signals to his brother to hand him the Rubik's cube. It is his birthday today and his brother gifted him the cube. That is how he celebrated his 16th birthday undergoing chemotherapy while fighting blood cancer and severe Pneumonia. 

Last year in February, Tausif started looking unusually pale and felt weak. His fever went on and off for a whole month. After running several tests, they found out the reason for this was Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Now the only way Tausif can recover from blood cancer is by undergoing an urgent stem cell transplant.

Tausif's parents, Parul and Faruk, suffer from Hypertension and Diabetes. So, the entire responsibility now lies on his brother Asif, who is still a student.

"I stayed away from home for 5 years for studies. When I came back, I got a Rubik's cube for myself. I tried for a week but I couldn't solve it. Tausif took it from me and solved it on the first try, like a champion and then began teasing me. He fights with me all the time but if I ever go outside of the hospital, he will call me within 5 minutes asking me when I am coming back. He doesn't express his emotions a lot but he loves me so much. Now he is using the same Rubik's cube to cope with his pain. It breaks my heart. When I see him gasping for breath, I wish I was home for those 5 years and spent more time with him."- Asif, brother 

An old photograph of the family together. 
Asif on the extreme left and Tausif on the extreme right

Tausif needs a Transplant urgently but his family is short on funds. Asif has been running around to ensure Tausif's treatment is not hindered, but if he doesn't arrange 45 lakhs soon they can't get his Transplant done. He studies late at night for his college exams by Tausif's bedside, because after exhausting 30 lakhs on the treatment so far they don't have any savings left. His father's shop in Bangladesh is shut and they already have lakhs of loans to repay, even after selling their land.

"No one is prepared to hear about a deadly disease like cancer. I'm a mother who was told that her son doesn't have much time and those words still pierce my heart every time I look into his eyes. Tausif is so bright that we never had to spend a single penny on him as he has always bagged scholarships, but today, I don't want anything in return from him. I don't want any medals or any marks but just for him to fight his cancer and come back to his Ammi safe and healthy."- Parul, mother 

His oxygen saturation levels are critically low due to Pneumonia

Tausif's immunity is extremely low and he is in the ICU on ventilatory support with extremely low oxygen saturation levels. Along with cancer, he is fighting severe Pneumonia and Urine Infection. He is on complete oxygen support and loses a lot of blood while passing urine. He has always been athletic and being bed-ridden for months has made him irritable and restless. Every day, he himself asks the doctor about his progress because he desperately wants to recover and go back home.

His parents have come all the way from Bangladesh to Kolkata in the hope of giving their son the best treatment. So much stress and anxiety on how they will manage 45 lakhs, is taking a toll on his aged parents' health too. They have pending bills amounting to half a lakh every day for their son's ventilatory support and oxygen.

They want their son back but they are unable to arrange 45 lakhs for it on their own. Please help them with your generous contributions.

Patient Tausif Hasan is 16 years old, living in Kolkata, West Bengal
Being treated in TATA Medical Centre, Kolkata, West Bengal

Receiving Stem Cells Transplant treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia / ALL

Click here to know more about Tausif Hasan