This 2-Year-Old Is Now Suffering From The Same Cancer That | Milaap

This 2-Year-Old Is Now Suffering From The Same Cancer That Blinded Her Sister

“It’s like a demon - it’s come back again to haunt our lives! Is it not satisfied after taking away my elder daughter’s eye sight? Now my youngest has the same disease! Look at her eye - it has swollen so much! The pain is unbearable and there is nothing I can do to reduce it. I can’t bear to see her like this anymore,” - Naseema Bano, mother of 2-year-old Tanveer.

Tanveer has the same deadly disease that has taken away her sister’s eyesight. There is a growing tumour in her left eye and she needs urgent treatment to get better.

The same symptoms - it was as if we were reliving the nightmare

First the white spot appeared and then her eyes started watering. Naseema and Tajudheen immediately knew that their worst nightmares were soon to come true. They were taken one year back when their elder daughter had the same symptoms which turned out to be eye cancer.  

But look at our plight! Despite knowing how dangerous this disease can be we weren’t able to take Tanveer to the hospital. We had no money. I somehow managed to gather some and take her to the hospital finally,” - Tajudheen, father.  

But it was already quite late by the time they reached the hospital. Tanveer’s eye had swollen up. It was itching and she was in terrible pain. 

We were forced to stop our elder daughter’s treatment, we’re paying the price - Tanveer shouldn’t go through the same

Tajudheen is a driver, he makes around Rs 9000 in a month. He is also a helpless father who wasn’t able to save his elder daughter’s eyesight a year back. He is standing on the same crossroads again. Tanveer needs chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant to get better. It would cost them around 15 lakhs.

“My savings are all over - there is no one to help me now. But I don’t want to stop Tanveer’s treatment, I don’t want to fail her as well. Please help us,” - Tajudheen.

Little Tanveer  has a high fever, she can hardly eat anything - she complains that the right side of her face is aching. A small contribution from your side can make her life better. 
Patient tanveer kusar is 2 years old, living in Bengaluru, Karnataka
Being treated in NH Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Receiving Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy treatment for Retinoblastoma / RB1

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