Deadly Cancer Can Cripple This Teenager's Dream Of Becoming A | Milaap

Deadly Cancer Can Cripple This Teenager's Dream Of Becoming A Footballer

"Even remembering that night terrifies me to the core. There was blood all around me. My abdomen was paining so terribly, it felt like I'm about to die. I blacked out while on the way to the hospital because of all the blood loss. I had to be put on saline because I was not gaining consciousness for 7 days and when I woke up I realized what this Blood Cancer could do to me if my treatment didn't happen."- Sourav 

Sourav drastically lost 20 kgs in a span of just one month 

Just a few weeks ago, 15-year old Sourav was admitted in a very critical state in the hospital and was diagnosed with a rare cancer - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. It started with an acute abdominal pain and sweating. What they assumed to be just appendicitis actually turned out to be Blood Cancer. Now his parents are unable to process how their active teenage son is unable to even walk on his own anymore. Since then, he has lost 20 kgs of weight and his spleen is inflamed due to this disease.

His wife slipped into depression seeing their son suffer so much 

"Hearing about Sourav's cancer, my wife slipped into depression and is under medication for it. All of a sudden I feel that I'm so close to losing my family. I need 10 lakhs to save my only son but I haven't gone for work in the past few months. I can't leave my wife alone because I'm scared what if she takes a drastic step in my absence... I'll never be able to forgive myself then."- Sukdeb, father

He sold his taxi, their only source of livelihood, for his son's treatment

Sourav's cancer can be treated with chemotherapy and transfusions. While Sourav was admitted, Sukdeb had to sell off his yellow taxi and toto rickshaw, to be able to afford his hospital care and chemotherapy for the last few months. With his only source of livelihood gone now, Sukdeb has run out of every penny he had saved. Even after selling their wedding jewellery, they still are short of 10 lakhs.

"When he was promoted to 9th standard in April, he told us that he wants to pursue a career in football. He is just 37kgs now and his legs are so weak that they can't handle his own weight. He tries to gather all his strength to kick the ball but when he fails every time, it shatters him completely. I can't see him like that anymore. Without my son, there will be nothing left in our lives."- Lipika, mother 

An all-rounder in his school, Sourav's Headmaster also came forward to help his parents continue his treatment. With his grace, they could manage last month's treatment. But now his parents are finding it extremely hard to foot his medical bills despite selling off everything. Every passing day without treatment means lesser chances of his recovery. They need help to save their only child now.

Sourav dreams of becoming a Football player when he grows up. Despite his condition, he is keeping his hope alive for beating cancer. But this will be possible only with your support now. Please help Sukdeb and Lipika save their only son from this deadly cancer. 
Patient Sourav Banarjee is 15 years old, living in Barasat, West Bengal

Receiving Bone Marrow Transplant treatment for Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia / CMML

Click here to know more about Sourav Banarjee