This Baby’s Mother Abandoned Him Because He’s Sick, Now His | Milaap

This Baby’s Mother Abandoned Him Because He’s Sick, Now His Father Struggles To Save Him Alone

“My wife abandoned our baby when he was just 2-months-old. She hasn’t called or even tried to speak to us despite knowing how bad Sachin’s condition is. She left him when he needs her the most, and now…he’s been unconscious for 8 days. That’s how critical he is. He’s only 9-months-old and I can lose him if I can’t afford his treatment.”  – Sailesh, Sachin’s Father

Sachin, who has been tormented with health issues ever since he was just 4 days old, cannot survive without life support now. Within less than a year of birth, Sachin is dealing with liver failure, seizures and now severe pneumonia. His father is in need of help to save him and there is hope.

Sachin started having seizures 5 times a day since birth

When he was 4-days-old, he started getting fits. His body would get completely stiff and his eyes would roll up. I couldn’t even look at him; it was so horrific. He would get fits 5-6 times a day and they would last for 2 minutes each time. Luckily, with some medicines, after 5 months, his fits reduced.

And then, his liver started failing...

While he was getting seizures on a daily basis, Sachin’s skin turned completely yellow when he was about 3-months-old and after a check-up, Sailesh found out that his son’s liver was failing quickly.

“I didn’t understand why such problems were happening to him.  And I had to handle it on my own. My mother then started helping me look after him. But just 10 days ago, he started coughing so loudly. I took him to the hospital immediately. In just 2 days, the pneumonia got so serious that he couldn’t breathe on his own. He has been unconscious in the ICU for 8 days on a ventilator. These 8 days have been so terrible, he’s still not opened his eyes and I don’t know what will happen.

Sachin's grandmother

Sachin’s tiny body is battling hard against severe pneumonia and liver failure – two life-threatening disorders – all at once. He needs to stay on life support for at least 2 more weeks if he were to have any hopes of recovering. Sailesh needs around Rs. 4 lakhs to save his son – which is way more than he can ever afford.

Sachin’s father and grandmother can't afford to save him

“I just work as a person who recharges mobile phones and I’m barely able to earn Rs. 12,000 per month. Each day in the ICU costs around Rs 25,000 – 30,000 which is more than double my salary. How can I afford this? My mother sells vegetables but she hasn’t worked for over 7 months in order to help look after Sachin. After this, I have to also arrange for his liver transplant which costs way more than this. My father died 23 years ago and no one else earns.

For all of Sachin’s treatments up till now, Sailesh has already borrowed Rs. 6 lakhs from his friends, relatives and colleagues. He is drowning in debt and still has a lot of money to pay.

He has been dealing with problems ever since birth and he’s been so weak that he hasn’t even played properly for a single day. But there is hope to save him, he needs to be in the ICU for 2 weeks and his father cannot do this without your help.

Patient Sachin Khawadiya is 9 months old, living in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Being treated by Dr Anirban Bagchi in Surya Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Receiving PICU treatment for Pneumonia

Click here to know more about Sachin Khawadiya