“But his pain didn’t go away and that’s when we realised that this was something serious. Tests and scans happened and it was then that they told us that my 3-year-old has cancer. He has a tumour in his stomach,” - Sapna, mother.

Peter has never had a normal childhood
Peter was just 20-days-old when he started turning blue. His parents noticed that he was gasping for breath. Soon they found out that their son has a heart disease for which he would need three surgeries.
“He has already had two surgeries. But he is still not cured, he is always weak, catching a cold at the slightest change in the weather. He can’t run around and play like kids his age. He was just coming to terms with all this when he got diagnosed with cancer. How is this even fair? He is only 3…” - Lazarus, father.

9 cycles of chemo, regular transfusions but Peter has still a long way to go
Peter doesn’t let his mother leave his side even for a single minute. He is tired, he is weak and he is irritable. He has almost stopped smiling. The only time he opens his mouth now is to complain of the terrible pain.
“He has undergone 9 cycles of chemo. It has taken away his hair, his smile, his appetite but they promised us that it’s for his good. Now he needs a surgery and a bone marrow transplant. But what about the cost? My savings are all over!” - Lazarus, father.

Lazarus works in a private company and makes around Rs 10,000 a month. The only one to earn in his family, Lazarus has exhausted his savings. He has also borrowed from everyone he could and has spent over 16 lakhs.
“Another 20 lakhs, that’s what we need now to cure Peter. It’s a lot and it’s way beyond what I can ever arrange. Only you can help me now,” - Lazarus.