15-Year-Old Feels Guilty For Having Cancer, He Knows His Poor | Milaap

15-Year-Old Feels Guilty For Having Cancer, He Knows His Poor Parents Can’t Save Him

"I don't know how much time I have left because every day seeing my parents like this, pains me even more. They are running here and there just to get me treated, my mother even sold her jewellery. As a son, I feel helpless because every penny saved for our education has been already spent on my treatment."- Nilay (15)

Sudden unbearable pain turned out to be a cancerous tumour

Nilay had such a shooting pain in his scrotum, that one day he had to leave school and come back home midway. His mother couldn't understand the reason behind it and just gave him a painkiller. But when that didn't work, she started panicking and asked her elder son to come home immediately.

"Ma never calls me in between classes, but that day I got so scared because she just kept crying over the phone. I rushed home as they were both alone. We immediately took Nilay to a urologist who gave him some high-dosage painkillers. After that, the pain subsided but after a few hours, he complained of a swelling and started vomiting ."- Niladri, elder brother

After losing one family member to cancer, now they fear they might lose their youngest son also

What Nilay's biopsy reports revealed was something his family had a really hard time to come to terms with - the youngest member was diagnosed with Mixed Germ Cell Tumour - a type of testicular cancer. 

"My boudi (sister-in-law) passed away from cancer. I have seen death from cancer very closely during her last few days. Not even a month has passed and cancer has come to haunt us again, this time my son it is just 14 years old. It feels something sharp just pierced my heart because what if cancer takes even him away from us?" - Sima, mother

The surgeons removed his left testis ... but still he is not free from cancer

Bipad, Nilay's father, could somehow afford his surgery costing almost a lakh to remove the tumour affected testis. He could do that from all the savings that he had actually kept for their studies. But that was not enough as Nilay needs Rs. 3 lakhs more for further chemotherapy and blood transfusions without delay to be cancer-free. 

"The factory where I worked in shut down overnight and we were asked to leave. I lost the Rs.4,000 that I used to get every month. My mother is also hospitalized and I am yet to pay her bills too. I had to take so many loans to start Nilay' s treatment, how will I pay them. I don't have any means to get Rs. 3 lakhs more now. My elder son, Niladri, has to work after college to support me now. Nilay's cancer requires utmost care and I'm scared any delay in it might cost me my son's life." Bipad, father 

Amidst everything, Nilay has not lost hope. He has been studying in the hospital for his upcoming board exams. He also sketches just to distract his mind from all the pain he has to go through. He feels he is the reason for all the distress his parents has to go through but we can help him by contributing to continue his treatment. Please help Nilay.
Patient Nilay Dey Sarkar is 15 years old, living in Kolkata, West Bengal
Being treated by Dr. Sujal chandra in NETAJI SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE CANCER HOSPITAL, Kolkata, West Bengal

Receiving Chemotherapy treatment for Germ Cell Tumor

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