This Devastated Father Is Down To His Last Rupee And Can’t | Milaap

This Devastated Father Is Down To His Last Rupee And Can’t Save His Son’s Life

Topu Chavan puts his hands in his pockets and few 1 rupee coins jingle out. With his eyes brimming with tears, he looks up and says, “This is all I have. How? Tell me how will I save my son? He needs a transplant as soon as possible, that’s the only way my Nikhil will live…

Topu has not eaten in days. The desperate father thinks that’s the only way he can afford his son’s treatment - but even that is not enough. 

The transfusions were not helping, Nikhil was getting sicker…

Nikhil (11) was diagnosed with Thalassemia Major when he was only 4 months old. His body has lower than normal amounts of hemoglobin. He has been undergoing blood transfusions since then. But now, even these don’t tend to help him.
“We always took so much care of him. The right medicines at the right time. We never let him skip meals. How did he get sicker? 15 days ago when we took him to the hospital in the train, I didn’t think he will survive. He held his stomach and was crying inconsolably…”  

Nikhil's mother, Draupadi, is sick. But a mother's heart doesn't allow her to stay back at home

He never had a normal childhood - now he might not be able to live
till his next birthday

Nikhil always longed for everything kids his age did - getting wet in the rain, playing in the mud, eating those roadside fries. But his disease never allowed him all that. He always ran the risk of bleeding from his mouth and nose. So his parents were extra careful to send him to school.

“He used to get angry when we asked him not to go to school. He missed the fun and enjoyment. And look at him now - eyes full of tears, he doesn’t even know if his father can take him back home. No one should ever be this helpless,” - Topu can’t help but cry.  

He has a matched donor, he has hope - you can help him get that transplant

Nikhil’s 15-year-old sister, Neha is a matched donor for him. A bone marrow transplant in time can save his life. He can go back to normal life but his daily wager father knows he can’t afford the 15 lakhs.
My relatives have stopped picking up my calls, my friends have stopped visiting us. All of them think that I will ask for their help. I know Nikhil expects me to save him but my hands are tied. Please help me,” - Topu.  

A transplant at the earliest is the only hope for 11-year-old Nikhil. His father is struggling to save him, he is begging for your help. A small contribution from your side can bring back their lost happiness
Patient Nikhil Chavan is 11 years old, living in Bengaluru, Karnataka
Being treated by Dr.Raghuram in Aster CMI Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Receiving Bone Marrow Transplant treatment for Thalassemia

Click here to know more about Nikhil Chavan