After Beating COVID This 2-Year-Old Now Struggles To Survive | Milaap

After Beating COVID This 2-Year-Old Now Struggles To Survive Cancer

“I am sorry we can’t start her cancer treatment she...she is tested COVID positive.”

My heart just sank as soon as the doctor said that. Was it not enough that my daughter was diagnosed with cancer? Now COVID too? She is just 2 years old and has to go through so much. I just want this nightmare to end. But when will that happen?"
 - Mariam, mother

She was in the ICU battling for her life and we prayed to God day and night

In the first week of June, Mahwash was suffering from high fever and no matter how many medicines the child had, it did not subside. When taken to a bigger hospital, she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of blood cancer.

“Doctors advised us to start her chemotherapy as soon as possible. As a protocol, her COVID testing was done and the results were an absolute shock to us, she had no symptoms at all...neither for cancer nor for this virus. Yet both of them came positive. Soon she was taken away from us. She was in the ICU battling for her life and we prayed to God day and night for her recovery.” - Mariam

I was so happy that she returned to me alive, I thought I lost her

Cancer progresses rapidly and creates immature blood cells making the body prone to infections which is one of the reasons why the child could have gotten the virus. With an aggressively spreading cancer and a deadly virus in her body, this child fought the battle very bravely. She has now tested negative for COVID but her fight isn't over. 

“When I saw her after 3 weeks, I just couldn’t stop crying. I was so happy that my child came back to me alive, I was really scared of losing her. After all that she has gone through, I know that my child is strong and will beat her cancer too but...but it is we who is failing to save her.”- Mariam

They are desperate, they need your help

Rehan, Mahwash’s father works in a small company and earns not more than Rs 10,000 a month. His income is not even enough to afford her initial tests and medications let alone her treatment.

“My daughter has always been an active and happy child. Her smile just makes our day but cancer is slowly killing her. Her condition is very critical, I somehow managed to get her chemo treatment started but I can’t continue any further. I did everything, borrowed from friends and family, took loans but it is not enough. Please help me save my daughter.” - Rehan, father

You are their only hope. Your generous contribution can save Mahwash from cancer. Click here to contribute.
Patient Mahwash is 2 years old, living in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Being treated in CTC, PHO and BMT Centre for MCGM, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Receiving Chemotherapy treatment for Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all)

Click here to know more about Mahwash