'Kidney Disease Threatens To Kill Me Like It Killed My Mother | Milaap

'Kidney Disease Threatens To Kill Me Like It Killed My Mother & I Feel Like a BurdenTo My Family'

I feel like I’ve failed in so many ways. Aravinthan says softly, his voice laden with sorrow. I couldn’t save my amma. She died of kidney failure in 2021. Just one month after that, I found out I had the same disease. I couldn’t be a good husband to Malathi, and now I’m relying on my father to keep the household running. It hurts to know I can’t help.” - Aravinthan

It all started with a fever and restless nights. Aravinthan, just 25 at the time, thought it was something temporary. But his blood pressure shot up, and his exhaustion worsened. When he consulted a doctor, they delivered devastating news – his kidneys had shrunk, and he was in the early stages of kidney failure. Aravinthan’s life changed overnight. He was forced to quit his job as a waiter, leaving his wife, Malathi, and the rest of his family with no stable income.

Today, Aravinthan’s health has deteriorated to a point where even walking 100 m leaves him breathless

He spends most of his days confined to his bed. His body swells with water retention, and he undergoes dialysis three times a week just to survive. His creatinine levels have soared to 9.2, and his doctors have made it clear: he needs a kidney transplant at the earliest, or the consequences will be fatal.

"I feel like a burden. I want to get better. I want to take care of my wife, raise a family, to have children one day. But all my dreams are on hold. I just want my life back."- Aravinthan

'I will not survive without your help...'

Aravinthan's father, a farmer, is the family’s sole breadwinner. His uncle has offered to be his kidney donor, but the cost of the transplant is far beyond what the family can afford. With his mother already lost to kidney disease and his father’s earnings barely covering the household expenses, they are struggling to collect the necessary funds for the life-saving procedure. His father, with his own health challenges, cannot manage more, and the entire family is sinking under the weight of the medical expenses.

"I desperately need help to survive. I remember being admitted to the ICU for a month when an infection hit me hard. It almost killed me, and even then, money was so tight. I don’t want things to get worse. I don’t want my family to go through more pain."- Aravinthan

Aravinthan’s family is in dire need of financial support to make the transplant happen. Without it, his chances of survival diminish by the day.

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Patient K. Aravinthan is 30 years old, living in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu
Being treated in Kaveri Hospital, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

Receiving treatment for Kidney Failure

Click here to know more about K. Aravinthan