‘I Can Make Them Fight Off Any Aggressor’: Help This Coach | Milaap

‘I Can Make Them Fight Off Any Aggressor’: Help This Coach Make Boxing Superstars Out Of Young Village Girls

The most significant impacts on society often originate from the tiniest and seemingly insignificant places. Mohammad Saif Khan - a man with a heart for the community - is a case in point. Mohammad Saif Khan has lived a life full of hardships and challenges, but his unwavering spirit and passion for helping others have made him a source of inspiration for many.

Born and raised in Malihabad, a small village in northern India, he had always been fascinated by the sport of boxing. Eventually, his passion for boxing led him to pursue the sport professionally. He trained hard and competed at various levels, but his career was cut short due to financial difficulties. 

“I come from humble beginnings. My father worked as a professor at a college and also earned a small income from growing wheat and mustard on the farm. However, he worked his way up and his financial condition improved to the extent that he could pay for my higher education,” the 50-year-old recalls.

Saif says he never intended to become a boxer or pursue sports in his life. But his visit to Lucknow during his teenage years changed his career trajectory. He then joined Naseem Quereshi, a national-level boxing coach. “He agreed to train me with the basics, and later on, I took training from another coach, RS Bisht. The coaching helped me play at the district and state levels. I participated in national boxing events,” he says.

But unable to compete on an international stage, he came to terms with his fate. “I realised that I did not have the potential to compete with international players. I had the physical strength and power to perform but lacked the technical skills required for the game. I decided to quit and take care of the family, farm and other responsibilities,” he informs.

Forced to return to his village, he was dismayed to see the poverty and lack of opportunities that plagued his community, especially young girls who were denied the chance to pursue their dreams due to their families' financial constraints.

One day, he heard that some girls in his village were being harassed and molested by local goons. But what really affected him deeply was another incident. One such incident that left a deep impact on him was when he had heard that a family had been robbed and their daughter raped by the notorious Kaccha Banyan gang. When he visited the family, he was heartbroken to see the devastation wrought by the heinous crime. The father was so traumatised that he couldn't even speak of the incident. His daughter wailed in the background, and Mohammad Saif Khan was left feeling helpless and overwhelmed.

"I was so disturbed by this incident that when I came back home, I kept on crying. I cried the whole night," he recalls, his voice choking with emotion. "I thought to myself, I will train them. I will make them learn self-defence. I can't give them guns to protect them, but I can make them strong."

It was incidents like these that fueled Saif. He knew he had to do something to help these girls protect themselves. So, he pledged to teach them self-defence and launched Josh Academy Samiti, a free training institute for girls. Initially, only one girl joined his classes, but soon, others followed suit. Under his tutelage, these girls blossomed into confident young women who could fight back against any attacker.

“As word of my self-defence classes spread, more and more girls came to me to learn how to protect themselves. In a short time, my classes grew to include 87 students, all eager to learn from their beloved coach. What I love about what I do is that for these girls, I am not just a coach or a teacher; I am a mentor, a father figure, and a friend. I was able to see potential in them that no one else did, and have worked tirelessly to help them realise their dreams.” - Mohammad Saif Khan says, proudly.
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Mohammad Saif Khan's dedication to his students has been unwavering. He would often spend hours with them, teaching them not just the physical aspects of boxing but also the mental toughness required to be a successful athlete. He would share stories of his own struggles and challenges, and how he had overcome them with sheer willpower and determination.

“Today my girls have the power to fight any battle. I'll make them so strong that they can say, "I am as strong as any guy." These words of a passionate coach from a small village in India echo the aspirations of young girls from impoverished families who dream of becoming boxers. For many of these girls, boxing is more than just a sport; it's a way to break free from societal norms that limit their potential and pave the way for a brighter future.

Saif spends most of his day with his "daughters," training them, guiding them, and ensuring that they receive proper nutrition. He even pays the fees of some of his girls who cannot afford it, as he believes that education is just as important as boxing.

However, with over 87 girls in his care, he faces significant challenges. He has limited resources to provide equipment, proper nutrition, and training to all of his students. With over 30-50 girls attending his classes, he struggles to provide for everyone. His dream is to eventually train 200 girls, but his needs keep increasing.

Saif needs help to fulfil his dream of supporting these girls and creating a new generation of boxers. He is seeking support to provide his girls with essential equipment such as gloves, head guards, boxing kits, and other necessary items. Additionally, he wishes to provide his girls with proper nutrition, including milk and eggs, as well as supplements such as Bournvita and medicines.

The cost of providing these necessities per girl is INR 3,000, and with over 87 girls in his care, the coach requires significant financial assistance. He cannot do it alone, and he needs the support of the community to help these young girls fulfil their dreams. Your contribution will help make a difference in the lives of these young girls, who are eager to break free from societal norms and become strong, empowered women. Your donation will not only help these girls but will also make our nation proud when they represent us on the national and international stage.

The coach may be a farmer, but his heart is big enough to care for over 100 girls. Let us join him in his fight to make a difference in the lives of these young girls and create a new generation of boxers.
Click here to know more about Josh Academy Samiti