The Old Man Was On The Road In A Very Pitiful Condition. I | Milaap
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The Old Man Was On The Road In A Very Pitiful Condition. I Offered Him Food, But He Hid His Food.

For Anuj Singh from Delhi, helping others in need and caring for others have always been imbibed in him since his childhood. Following the footsteps of his parents and spiritual teachers, Anuj chose the profession of Spiritual Speaker and Meditation Teacher, so that he can touch many lives in true sense. But it was an incident during the peak time of Covid in 2020, which did turn his life upside down.

“Realising how devastated life would be for those who were staying on roads, every day along with my friends I started distributing free foods. One day while distributing food I came across an old man nearing about eighty in a very pitiful state with shabby clothes and disgusting smell. He was hiding the food packet I gave him. When inquired, he told me he was pushed out of his house by his sons ten days ago, and since then he could not eat proper food and was staying on road. He was hiding the food as he did not know what he would eat tomorrow. And that was the day I decided I need to help people like him”. – Anuj Singh, Founder, Human Peace Foundation Old Age Home.

He made it a mission to provide a dignified life to elderly people

Since that day Anuj’s only goal was to provide not only shelter, but a dignified life to elderly people who are helpless and have nowhere to go. And thus in 2020 itself, Anuj started Human Peace Foundation Old Age Home, where he not only ensures the basic requirement of the elderly people in need, but also helps them to lead a fulfilling life by teaching meditation and imparting spiritual talks.

Anuj says, “They are no way less than my parents. How can I be happy, if they are in pain. The moment I decided I had to do something for them, I did not hesitate a bit. I encashed all my savings and immediately found a place big enough, so that elderly people can stay comfortably. And today there are 25 happy aged people living in my organisation.”

In the face of challenges, Anuj remained undeterred

Although the journey had been full of challenges for Anuj from the beginning, but he remained undeterred. One by one, he faced all the difficulties and overcame them.

Narrating about the initial troubles, Anuj says, “Financial constraint had always been there, as I had no saving left after starting the organisation. However, the major struggle was to manage the sudden health issues of the members, in addition to making them compatible with each other, as the members are from different walks of life. But slowly I learnt to manage everything, and since then things have been little smoother.”

When asked him, if he had any second thoughts about running the organisation in the face of challenges, and Arun quickly responds, “Once one Auntie told me she has seven children, with two daughters being doctor. But all of them have left her. I told her, ‘From now on I am your son’”. In this home there are lots of elderly people who have been abandoned by their children after taking away all their savings. They are all my parents. No way I am leaving them. I will fight with my every might to provide a comfortable life to them”. 

Anuj wants to help more and more people

Although with his income and some help from friends and donors, Anuj is being able to manage to keep 25 elderly people in a rented accommodation, but this is a temporary solution. Anuj wants to buy a place for these elderly people under his care, so that they can live peacefully, without any uncertainty. Also, he wants to provide accommodation to at least 100 people, who often requests Anuj for help, when they attend his meditation classes and free food programmes.

“Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah. Sarve Santu Niraamayaah (May All be Happy, May All be Free from Illness). I always lead my life on this principle and I always want that everyone should be happy. I want to help more and more aged people, as they are the most neglected ones. But with my current income, I can only manage the rent of the space and their food and medical requirements.” – Anuj

Your little help can make many hopes alive

We all know that everyone in this world deserve to live a life with dignity. Old people are often deprived of their basic rights just because they have surpassed youth and cannot take care of themselves. With your little help Anuj can bring back the lost hopes in many souls.

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