With A Daughter Battling Cancer, And A Son Fighting Dengue, | Milaap

With A Daughter Battling Cancer, And A Son Fighting Dengue, This Man Needs Your Urgent Help

“I run around all day looking for donors for blood and so many thoughts already run in my mind. What if I don’t find a donor? What if I can’t arrange the amount for treatment? And now my son (5) is diagnosed with dengue. Now I travel back and forth for both my kids. I take the medicines and give them at home and come back to the city. Sharda (mother) wants to see our son but she doesn’t want to leave Divya's side. How will I manage everything? I...I can’t sleep.I fear that I might lose my children.” - Sudhakar, father

This picture was taken before Divya was admitted in ICU
Suddenly in the middle of the night, Divya had a fever of 104 degrees and the temperature did not go down. Soon she was diagnosed with blood cancer and the entire family was devastated.

Cancer? It was all so sudden. 2 months ago, she was all fine. She was such a happy child. She would run out of the door to play in the evenings and used to walk around me all the time holding my palu. She used to sing songs that she heard on the T.V. She never went to the hospital even once and now... now she is in ICU. It’s been 9 days and she is not even opening her eyes properly. I... I don’t know what to do.” - Sharda, mother

This picture was taken before Divya was admitted in ICU

Rs 300 a day, I don’t even earn that anymore

“I work as a helper in a small rice shop. Rs 300 a day, that’s all I make. How will I arrange 15 lakh rupees? I can’t even earn that 300 rupees now. How will I save her?" - Sudhakar, father

Sudhakar has already spent all the savings he had and also borrowed all he can but it is not enough. Divya needs to start her chemotherapy as soon as possible and it will go on for 2 long years. Without the chemotherapy, this 6 year old won’t be able to make it. But the family can’t afford it. 15 lakhs is a very big amount for this poor family.

This picture was taken before Divya was admitted in ICU

I want to cry but I hold back my tears

“My wife, she cries whenever she sees Divya. From outside I have to look strong in front her, console her but honestly, I want to cry my heart out. I feel so helpless and scared. I am just holding back my tears.” - Sudhakar

“They let us visit her in the ICU but only one person at a time and that too for 5-10 minutes. Those few minutes when I am with her, I call her name hoping that she will respond and look at me. But she is so weak and has lost weight too. I just want her to know that we are here with her and not to be scared. I just want her to talk to me once.” - Sharda

“Sometime my husband’s income is not enough, so I work as a daily wager to manage the expenses. Now, we both are at the hospital with Divya, we can’t even afford a proper meal… And there my son is also suffering but I can't be with him. I feel like we are being cursed. Why, why did this...” - Sharda, breaking into tears

This picture was taken before Divya was admitted in ICU
These parents are desperate to save their children. Sudhakar thinks he could save his son by taking another loan because dengue isn't as expensive to treat, but to save Divya from this deadly disease he needs so much more money, and for that he needs your help. Your kindness can save this little girl from cancer.

Patient Divya Sree is 6 years old, living in Hyderabad, Telangana
Being treated by Dr. Parinitha Gutha in American Oncology Institute, Hyderabad, Telangana

Receiving Chemotherapy treatment for Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (all)

Click here to know more about Divya Sree