This Single Mother Is Fighting For Her Daughter Lying | Milaap

This Single Mother Is Fighting For Her Daughter Lying Unconscious With Kidney Failure, Need Urgent Help

Urgent: This little girl won't be able to survive for long without a transplant.

Kalpana has single-handedly raised her daughter by working as a house help for the past 6 years. Her daughter, who was completely fine until October last year, suddenly fell extremely sick due to pneumonia and had to be admitted. On seeking medical advice, she found out that her daughter's lungs are accumulating fluids because her kidneys have stopped working optimally.

6-year-old has to undergo painful dialysis every day

"Her urea and creatinine levels were dangerously high and that even induced her seizures. They started temporary dialysis but now she is on hemodialysis every alternate day. The needles through her neck for four hours at a stretch are becoming painfully unbearable for my little girl. She hasn't opened her eyes after her last seizure and had to be put on life-support. Her urine has stopped, and the only cure left now is a transplant."- Kalpana, mother

Her husband kicked her out of the house while she was pregnant

6 years ago, Kalpana's first visit to her doctor after finding out she is pregnant turned out to be a heart-wrenching one. After the visit, she not only found out about her baby's health issues but her husband abandoned them too.
"After hearing that there is a possibility of some issue with my baby's kidneys, I was hoping that my husband and I would process this devastating news together and get through this. But instead, to my horror, he kicked me out of his house despite knowing that I was pregnant. He left me all alone on the day when I needed him the most. Today, 6 years later, as my daughter lies unconscious with failed kidneys, I still can't forget that traumatic day. Even though she has her Baba's surname, in all these years, he hasn't even come to see her face once." - Kalpana, mother 

The doctors are giving up on her as they know that a baby of her age won't be able to survive on dialysis alone

For her little daughter, dialysis is not a permanent solution as that would result in muscle loss and her body will not be able to take that kind of pressure. With a whole life ahead of her, it will be financially and emotionally draining for her mother to have her child bound to machines forever. The only thing that can help her survive now is a transplant, but 20 lakh rupees is something that Kalpana would never be able to manage alone.

The little girl needs a transplant urgently but her single mother cannot afford  it

Chandu, Kalpana's brother, feels helpless watching his sister and niece suffer at the hands of this chronic kidney disease. He sold his own house to fund for the child's dialysis but those funds have now all been used up. He tried to make up for the absence of a father-figure in his niece's life and cared for her as his own daughter, but is still failing to save her.

Her brother sold his own house but it is barely enough for the transplant
"After my brother-in-law left, my sister went into depression during her entire pregnancy. With my niece's birth, I was finally able to see a smile return to her face, and she became the reason for her to continue living. But now my niece can be taken away from her if we don't get this transplant done soon. My sister won't be able to bear this loss. None of us would. Seeing her lying so lifeless,I miss my little Choti's happy chatter and playfulness. Please help us save her because if we fail, I will not only lose my niece but also my sister." - Chandu, uncle

She needs your support to save her only child because her daughter is her everything.

The doctors are giving up on her as they know that a baby of her age won't be able to survive on dialysis alone for long without a transplant. But this mother refuses to leave her daughter's side. She knows her daughter is listening to her and she keeps begging her to wake up. 

Please click here to support this single mother in arranging for her daughter's kidney transplant urgently.

Charity No : 319201431163

Identity of the child is protected in adherence to government guidelines.

Patient Daughter of Kalpana Chavan is 6 years old, living in Chandrapur, Maharashtra
Being treated in Nelson Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra

Receiving treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease / CKD

Click here to know more about Daughter of Kalpana Chavan