Her Glass-like Bones Can Shatter Into Pieces, Her Only Hope | Milaap

Her Glass-like Bones Can Shatter Into Pieces, Her Only Hope Now Is A Bone-Marrow Transplant

Doctors say her bones are like glass. They can break very easily and she is at high risk of having multiple fractures. I am scared... very scared... to even touch her. What if I hurt my baby? She is everything to me and we are failing to protect her from this deadly disease.” – Sampa, mother

A disease that can leave her paralyzed, or worse

6 month old Prapti is suffering from osteopetrosis, a bone disease that makes bones abnormally dense and prone to breakage. The bones can break from the smallest of bumps and falls. She can lose her vision and her nerves can compress to a point that they can make her paralyzed. These are just a few of the things that can happen to her. Only a bone marrow transplant can help her survive.

“She was just three months old when I noticed her head was slightly swollen, but who would think it could be such a severe disease? I get nightmares every single day about losing my baby and of all the possible things that can... that can happen to her. I don’t want my baby to suffer... but I am helpless.” – Sampa, mother

Partha can never afford the 25 lakhs with his salary as a postman

Partha works as a postman and his income is not even sufficient to bear the cost of the injections and medicines required, let alone this treatment which will cost them 25 lakh rupees. But without a bone marrow transplant, Baby Partha will not be able to make it.  

I am allowed to meet her only for 15 minutes in a day. Whenever it is time to leave her, I fear that I might not see her the next day. We are losing her. I beg you! Please help us save our baby.” – Partha

You are their only hope. Your contributions can save baby Prapti.

Click here to donate.

Charity No: 46-5582871
Note: Donations towards this fundraiser are not eligible for any tax deduction under 80G, 501(c), etc..
Patient BABY PRAPTI PANDA is 6 months old, living in Bankura, West Bengal
Being treated in Apollo Cancer Institutes, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Receiving treatment for Osteopetrosis

Click here to know more about BABY PRAPTI PANDA