Just A Few More Weeks In The ICU And This Baby Will Survive, | Milaap

Just A Few More Weeks In The ICU And This Baby Will Survive, But His Parents Can't Afford It

“When I saw my baby for the first time, he looked so fragile that I feared to even touch him. He was gasping for breath very badly. It was only for a few seconds and he was immediately put on a ventilator. Though they gave me medicine to rest, I just couldn’t sleep as I was scared. What if by the time I woke up something happened?” - Sunita, mother

We were supposed to be happy at our baby’s birth, not frightened 

Sunita’s baby was born prematurely in the 7th month with very low birth weight. He suffers from respiratory distress, pneumonia, and persistent pulmonary hypertension. All of the conditions put together, this little baby is constantly battling for his life in the ICU. 

“We were supposed to be happy and not frightened at our baby’s birth. This is all highly unexpected. Every month we went for check-ups and I did everything I was supposed to for my baby’s health. None of the reports detected anything worrisome. In fact, until the very last minute, everything seemed to be okay. Then how…” - Sunita

The baby is recovering but the parents are failing to continue the treatment 

Satyapal works as a lab assistant in a private company. What he earned was enough for his family to live comfortably, but now it's not even enough to afford one day’s cost of treatment.

“It’s been almost 2 months since my child’s birth. All this while I tried my best to pool up as much money as possible to save my child. I put all my savings and took loans too but now I feel like all the doors are closing, I am left with nothing. Every morning before going to work I visit my child but when I leave I am scared... what if I lose him? But I know I can’t stay, every rupee is so important right now.” - Satyapal, father 

Just a few more weeks in NICU can save him

The baby is showing very good improvement but he needs to stay in the NICU for the next 4-6 weeks at least, to be able to recover and fight infections. Without this prolonged stay, the little boy will not be able to survive.

“If we can’t afford this treatment, all the progress, all our efforts, and my child’s pain, will go in vain. It will all be for nothing and I don’t want that. I want to take my baby home, I want to watch him grow and listen to him call me ‘papa’. Please help me save my son, you are my only hope.” - Sayapal

Your contribution can save this newborn and give him a second chance at life. You can help these parents take their baby home. Click here to contribute.
Patient Baby of Sunita Pal is 2 months old, living in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Being treated in Surya Childrens Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Receiving NICU Care treatment for Neonatal ICU

Click here to know more about Baby of Sunita Pal