“I was so excited that I was going to be a mother, that too for the very first time. I was very careful and cautious. But I never thought I would see my child like this, fighting for her life, attached to all these machines...I never thought I would barely get to touch her or even see her. ” - Manorama, mother
Manorama's baby girl suffers from a rare birth defect - Esophageal Atresia (EA) and a Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF), where the food pipe and the wind pipe are not connected properly. If left unoperated, the condition can cause serious heart, kidney, and several other dysfunctions, which could be fatal.

She underwent a major operation within hours of birth
“She was taken by the nurse for a general check-up right after the birth but she never returned. As soon as the staff found out about the defect, they took her for an emergency operation. It went on for 6 hours at a stretch and all this while I was very terrified that I might lose her. On the other hand, my wife couldn’t stop crying. She had a cesarean and she was unable to move. By the grace of God, everything went well but...” -Pradeep, father
Her battle is not over yet. The little baby was immediately shifted to the ICU after surgery, but it’s been over two weeks now and she stills needs time to recover.

“Over the last two weeks, we tried feeding her, but the milk would end up in her lungs. The surgery still needs a lot of healing. Because of the fluid reaching her lungs, she suffers from pneumonia now and is on a ventilator. Every morning when I go to see her, I can’t help but cry looking at her. I just want to hold her and take her home soon.” - Manorama

Only you can help these parents
“I work as a pharmacist in a local store, I don’t earn much but it is enough to run the house. When I learned I was going to have a baby, I started saving up for the future, I was prepared just in case, but I never thought such a thing would happen. When they told me the cost of surgery, though it was a lot, I ran pillar to post to make it happen. But my baby still needs to recover and I am unable to afford the cost any further.” -Pradeep
The baby needs prolonged ventilator and ICU support and it would cost around 10 lakh rupees. Pradeep is already in a huge debt and feels helpless. Without post-surgery care, his baby won’t be able to make it.

Your generous contributions can save this little child and give this couple a chance to be parents. Click here to donate.