With A Scar Almost As Big As He Is, This 1-Month-Old Is | Milaap

With A Scar Almost As Big As He Is, This 1-Month-Old Is Struggling To Live Another Day

Standing outside the delivery room, I could hear my wife’s occasional screams of pain. Any man in my position would be nervous but it would still be the happiest day of his life. 
In my case, it was the most terrified I had ever been. My baby was about to be born any minute now, and he could leave this world any minute as well.  
- Balaji, father 

Balaji and Jhansi loved each other from the moment they met. Their married life together, in their eyes, was perfect. Every morning they would head out together to work on their neighbor’s farms, and in the evenings they would head home and spend a quiet night in each other's company. Life was simple, but good. When they found out early this year that they were going to have a child, it was a happiness unlike anything they had known before.

But a month before the due date, their happy world came crashing down around them 

“We had just gone for a normal check-up. But then... The doctor came to us with his reports, looked me in the eye, and said there’s a high chance my baby might not live. It was a few moments before I could even understand what he was saying. He said there was something really wrong with my baby’s heart. A surgery could fix him, he said, but it would be extremely risky...” 
- Jhansi, mother 

With a scar that spans the length of his tiny torso, he's still alive... but he's not fully healed yet

Jhansi’s little boy was born with a heart-defect where the positions of the left and right arteries in his heart are switched. This condition is extremely lethal, and only timely surgery can fix it. In this poor baby’s case, he had the surgery within hours of being born, in his extremely fragile state. Still, the doctors managed to pull him through it. Now, he just needs a few weeks of intensive care to heal and go home to his worried parents.

Balaji doesn’t know how he’s going to afford his baby’s care 

“I borrowed so much from so many people just to get him the surgery. And he even made it through! Now all he needs is just to stay in the hospital, but I have no money left! We are so close to taking our baby home, but so far at the same time... Please help us...”  
- Balaji 

Every contribution from you will help save this innocent little baby’s life. He’s barely a month old, he does not deserve to die. Please click here to donate. 
Patient Baby of Jhansi is 1 month old, living in Hyderabad, Telangana
Being treated by Dr. D Anil Kumar in Kims Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana

Receiving PICU Care treatment for Post operative d-transposition of great arties

Click here to know more about Baby of Jhansi