They Lost Their First Born To The Same Disease That Is Now | Milaap

They Lost Their First Born To The Same Disease That Is Now Threatening Their Newborn

“I lost my first son to the same disease. He was barely 2 months old!  When I got to know that I was pregnant again, somewhere at the back of my mind, I had a constant fear of losing this baby too. I didn't imagine it would come true and  now, I am unable to do anything to stop this from happening again.”
 - Bhumika, mother

He suffers from a serious heart disease

Bhumika and Ramesh were shattered when they found out that their newborn has the same disease that took away their first baby’s life. The newborn baby suffers from a severe heart disease called Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection (TAPVC), a defect in the veins leading from the lungs to the heart.

The veins from the lungs connect to the heart in abnormal positions, and the oxygenated blood enters or leaks into the wrong chamber. The little boy needed immediate surgery and the parents did not delay any further.

He is fighting for his life, while 280km away from his mother

“He was born at a  local hospital and within a few hours, his condition was diagnosed. We were asked to take him to a bigger hospital immediately, but my wife just had an operation and was in no condition to travel. So, I had to take the baby alone, 280 km away from his mother, from home.”

The baby was admitted in the ICU immediately and underwent urgent surgery too. But he needs continuous treatment to recover, which his poor father is unable to afford.

These parents are forced to work while their baby fights for his life

"The city is very expensive as compared to our life in the village, and the treatment that is needed is way beyond my capabilities. It is already tough out here and if I don't earn even the daily wage, it will be absolutely difficult for us to even afford food. I know my income will be nowhere enough to save him, but I can’t stop trying, I can’t lose hope.  Not yet. I am afraid to lose him...

Ramesh and Bhumika are daily wage labourers. The monthly expenses of the house can only be managed if both of them work. With such a poor financial condition and their child being sick, they couldn’t afford to miss work. Hence, Ramesh returned back to the village to earn at least the daily wage while his younger brother tends to their baby’s needs in the city.

Their newborn baby will need continued treatment for at least a few more weeks to recover, which will cost these parents 7 lakh rupees. Your small contribution can save this little baby and give him a chance to have a normal life.
Patient Baby of Bhumika is 10 days old, living in Hyderabad, Telangana
Being treated in Kims Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana

Receiving NICU Care treatment for Preterm

Click here to know more about Baby of Bhumika