3-Year-Old Who Smiles Through The Pain Of Stage 4 Cancer | Milaap

3-Year-Old Who Smiles Through The Pain Of Stage 4 Cancer Needs Urgent Transplant

“I was working in the kitchen when I suddenly heard Ali screaming. I went running to him and I saw him holding his stomach tightly. He was crying saying that it aches badly. Within the next few days, his stomach started to swell and my child did not have a moment of relief. No medicine was helping him. We knew it was something big and got all his tests done but we never thought it would be cancer.”-  Zahra, mother

While they struggled to save one child, they had to leave the other one behind 

Alishanavar got diagnosed with 4th stage cancer- Neuroblastoma with a huge tumour growing inside his stomach. Zahra and Shabir had no time to waste. They left their hometown in Bhopal and came to  Mumbai for his treatment immediately. While they struggled to save one child, they had to leave the other one behind.

“My daughter was just 4 months old back then. We had no choice but to leave her there as it was risky to bring her with us. I didn’t know it would take this much time. It’s been 10 months and we haven’t gone back home. I just want my Ali to get well soon and to go back home. I miss my daughter, I want to see how much she has grown and hold her tight in my arms. I want this nightmare to end.” - Zahra

No matter how hard it was on him, he never lost his smile

“He went through such rigorous chemotherapy. After every session, his body started to burn with fever. He lost his appetite completely and all he used to have was one glass of juice. Despite all the suffering and no energy to even sit, he would ask me in his fading voice ‘can I play’. His smile was the only thing that got us through all of this. He is a brave child. But it's been almost a month that I have seen him, he is in the ICU fighting an infection and I am not allowed as it is risky.” - Shabir, father

Alishanavar has always been an active child, playing with his toys, running around the house, telling rhymes, dancing etc. Even cancer couldn’t change him. No matter how tiring the day is for him he always found a little energy in him to play. Now as well, while he is fighting an infection bravely and he smiles at his mother whenever she comes to visit him.

He won't survive without a transplant - it's his only chance 

He needs a final stem cell transplant to beat cancer. The parents ran pillar to post to keep their son alive. They sold all the valuable items they had and borrowed money from everyone they know. They have exhausted everything, they can’t afford this transplant.

“I sell glasses in a small shop for a living, I did all I can to save my child but it is not enough. I don't know what to do now. Please help me save my child.”- Shabir

Your help can save Alishanavar beat his deadly cancer and give him a chance at living a normal life. Your generous contributions can save his life. Click here to contribute.
Patient Alishanavar Ali is 3 years old, living in Mumbai, Maharashtra
Being treated in CTC, PHO and BMT Centre for MCGM, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Receiving Chemotherapy treatment for Neuroblastoma / NB

Click here to know more about Alishanavar Ali