Despite Being Bedridden For Years, She Has Dedicated Her Life | Milaap
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Despite Being Bedridden For Years, She Has Dedicated Her Life To Save Stray Animals

Challenges and struggles of Sweta

1. Diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta at age 4.
2. Endured numerous bone fractures throughout her life.
3. Left bedridden after emergency surgery at age 6.
4. Father abandoned her and her mother due to financial and medical challenges.

What made her start helping stray animals:

1. Witnessed cruelty towards a dog on Facebook in 2012.
2. Connected with animal rescue groups and arranged medical assistance.
3. Found a deep calling to be a voice for distressed animals.

How she is helping stray animals

1. Immersed herself in various animal rescue groups across India.
2. Utilized social media to raise awareness and connect volunteers.
3. Established Astha Loving Kindness and Compassion (ALKC) Foundation in 2016.
4. Rescued and provided care for over 400 animals.
5. Aims to feed 200+ animals, organize vaccination drives, and offer medical aid.

Current challenges

1. Limited financial resources (monthly income of INR 6,000-7,000).
2. Requires funds for operational costs, staff salaries, and vet expenses.
3. Seeks support to procure an ambulance, wheelchairs, and tricycles for animals.

“I want to impact the lives of 10,000 stray animals through rescue, rehabilitation, and feeding initiatives by the end of 2023. I want to create a ripple effect with my small yet potent moves.” - Sweta

See What People Are Saying About Her 

With your moral and financial support, she can go the extra mile for stray, abandoned and injured animals. 

Click here to contribute.

Registration Number - AAOCM6666MF20229
EIN 20-5139364
Click here to know more about Sweta Aka Astha