Lets stop the road accidents between Dhanbad and Sindri | Milaap
Lets stop the road accidents between Dhanbad and Sindri
  • AP

    Created by

    Aditya Prakash
  • AP

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Aditya Prakash

    from Dhanbad, Jharkhand

A road trip with family is ment to be fun filled experience, yet you can never know when destiny decides otherwise. While crossing the famous sindri chemical factory towards dhanbad, an accident happened which has  affected my family probably forever. Cruising on the empty road at late dusk, the driver couldn't comprehend a big pothole and did an unsuccessful attempt to save from it. Next thing I remember is that we all were in hospital. With God's grace, no one was permanently hurt but after that, I knew that potholes are much more dangerous than we considerer them. Aprox 3600 people die every year in India due to uneven roads.

This is why, I am taking an initiative, to fill every pothole in that road. Rather than waiting for government to act, I have decided to better the situation. I will use cement and ash to fill the holes. A small start indeed, I hope my initiative will make a change in this region. 

Connect to me directly on fb at https://www.facebook.com/Ment.for.BIG

Or even mail me at kotafactor4@gmail.com

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