Help girls studying in Paud government school get resources | Milaap
Help girls studying in Paud government school get resources for STEM
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Need Rs.1,34,000
  • H

    Created by

  • yg

    This fundraiser will benefit

    young girls in a government school

    from Pune, Maharashtra

I am Hitanshi. My project is called STEMspivation (STEM+inspire + innovation). It will be a STEM kit made by me, which will be distributed to the young girls studying in Paud Village government school. Me and the young girls will greatly appreciate even the smallest amount of donations you make. Even an amount as less as $5 will make a huge impact. This fundraiser is to collect funds so that I can make those kits. The reason I want to distribute these kits is so that these young girls can have access to STEM resources that they might never have if not given to them by me.
The presence of stereotypical mindsets about STEM fields dominated by males causes a lack of awareness, interest and encouragement amongst young girls between the ages of 8 - 17 in Paud, Maharashtra to pursue STEM related career fields. Additionally, there is a deficit of available technological resources and opportunities because of which the young girls don’t really know what STEM is about and how it can possibly help them develop numerous skills.

They have 0 knowledge about what STEM is, they have 0 knowledge that even they can pursue careers in STEM fields and make it a successful career. They have never been encouraged to develop an interest in STEM, therefore I believe it is extremely important for them to get exposed to STEM and learn as much as possible about it so that they can benefit f it and change their lives for the better.

The young girls and I will greatly appreciate your donation no matter what the amount. Even if it is as less as $5 it will make a great impact. Please help me help the young girls and help them build a bright and prosperous future for themselves.
Thank you so much,

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