This New Year Help 211 Families Fight Water Scarcity | Milaap
This New Year Help 211 Families Fight Water Scarcity
of Rs.5,58,918
29 supporters
  • CJ

    Created by

    Chetna Joshi
  • VD

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Villages Dundpuri and Rampura in Eastern Rajasthan

    from Haldwani, Uttarakhand

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by AARANGAR ENVIRONMENT ACTION FOUNDATION

Villages of Alwar district of Rajasthan are suffering from immense water scarcity. The area is surrounded by Aravali hills from all sides. Annual average rainfall of the region is only about 560 mm, except the short duration of rainy season, the climate mostly remains dry. Women and small children walking many kilometers every day just to fetch drinking water is a common sight especially in the rural villages.
Dundpuri and Rampura villages of Alwar are no different from other villages. People in these villages are facing acute water scarcity as water table goes down to ~200 feetonly after a few months of monsoon. The result is that only about 10% agriculture area of the villages are under farming due to unavailability of water for irrigation.
It may appear surprising to many but in this area availability of water determines whether a girl child attends school or not. Availability of water determines whether there will be constructive livelihood opportunities in the villages for its youth or they will be forced to migrate to work as laborer. Availability of water determines nutritional level among community members.
Every aspect of life is associated with availability of water. Its scarcity brings immense suffering to humans, animals and the environment. Poor rainwater conservation is the root cause behind this suffering and the good news is the situation can be reversed by conserving rain water where it falls.
Aarangar Environment Action Foundation proposes creation of Johads (traditional rainwater harvesting structure) in Dundpuri and Rampura villages. These are small villages located about 28 km from Dausa and 85 km from Alwar (Rajasthan).
Water holding Capacity of the proposed Johad at Dundpuri Village
The proposed Johad at Dundpuri Village will be able to hold~7621 m^3 water which is equivalent to seventy six lakh twenty one thousand litres of water.
How will a Johad in Dundpuri Village impact society?
Creation of a single Johad in Dundpuri will recharge totally dry 11 wells and 2 hand pumps of the village making water available to the community. Agriculture area will rise and so does the milk production from cattle due to increase in the availability of water and fodder. It will directly benefit income and quality of daily life of 50families and 500 animals.
Cost of the Intervention in Dundpuri Village
Rs. 262,694.00 (Two lakh sixty two thousands six hundred ninety four only.) The work will be carried out with full community participation. The cost includes cost of digging, rent of JCB machines, honorarium to the field workers etc.  
Water holding Capacity of the proposed Johad at Rampura  
The proposed Johad will be able to hold ~10670 m3 water which is equivalent to one crore six lakh seventy thousand litre.
How Johad in Dundpuri Village will impact society?
Creation of a single Johad in Rampura will recharge totally dry 15 wells and 3 hand pumps making water available to the community. It will directly benefit 161 families and 495 cattle. 195 people will have improved livelihood options. There will be increased availability of water and fodder for cattle and total agriculture area under farming will also rise. This will ease the lives of women and girls the most because they spend a huge part of their day in fetching water from  faraway areas.
Cost of the Intervention in Rampura villages
Rs. 296,224. Two lakh ninety six thousands two hundred twenty four only. The work will be carried out with full community participation. The cost includes cost of digging, rent of JCB machines, honorarium to the field workers etc.  
How long it will take to see the impacts of the Johads?
The impacts will become visible within two months of monsson.
Where these water body (Johad) will be located?
The Johads will be created in the common land of the village, and the water will remain available to all.
Total cost of creation of two Johads
Rs. 5,58,918 I.I. Five lakhs fifty eight thousands nine hundred eighteen.
How Big the water bodies will be?

The picture above shows Johad created by the Aarangar foundation in 2021 in Keetla Village of Alwar. Its water holding capacity is 4276 m3 i.e. 42,76,000 Litre.
The proposed Johad in Dundpuri will have capacity of ~7621 m3 and therefore  will hold about 1.8 times as much water as the one shown the the picture.  
The proposed Johad in Rampura will have approx capacity of 10670 m3 and therefore will hold about 2.5 times as much water as the one shown in the picture.
We request you to start Diwali festivities with the donations to this special cause and help the community of Dundpuri and Rampura create water bodies (Johads) in their villages. This will be third and fourth such intervention in this area. To know more about our previous work please visit
We will keep updating photos and videos so that you can track the progress of the work and see the impact later on in the landscape and lives of people of the Dundpuri and Rampura villages.
Please note that Aarangar is a registered non-profit organization. We are new and through aims to carry out interventions with high positive impact on environment, rural prosperity and local livelihood generation. A detailed audit of expenses for donors will be provided at request.

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