Labour forever or a dignified life ? Help kids from Bedia | Milaap
Labour forever or a dignified life ? Help kids from Bedia community
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    Vikasalaya Foundation
  • VF

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Vikasalaya Foundation

    from Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Vikasalaya Foundation

Labour forever, is the only future that each kid from Bedia community has accepted for themselves. They attend school till 8th standard for mid day meal that is provided and after that it's just one way road to their entire future. The road that leads them to working as labour at coal mines. Vikasalaya is trying to handhold kids from early age, support them with after school program and train them to fight for a dignified life. Our aim is to ensure that each of these kids complete their studies and get a job. Just with 6000 rupees, you can sponsor one kid for a year. You can also sponsor for a month or few and contribute on monthly basis.

These kids are from the Bedia community of Dhanbad which is a semi-nomadic tribe that is also declared as denotified tribe in many Indian states. Bedia is one of the most backward societies in my village. They live in a group of 500+ members and their struggles for daily bread and butter are saddening. The traditional occupation of this community is snake catching and snake charming where they catch poisonous snakes, entertain masses with snake shows, and sell their poison for making antidotes for snake bites. People give them money, rice, wheat, food, etc against the snake shows they perform. With urbanization, snakes are disappearing, people are losing interest in snake shows and prefer television or toys over them. This change has endangered their traditional practice of earning and at present their source of earnings is extremely limited; they work as labors, househelps, at coal mines or snake catchers.

Most of the kids are encouraged to attend school but their motive is mid-day meals and that’s why no kid attends after 8th standard. Only one person in the entire community has passed secondary education. Children touch their teenage age by the time they pass 8th, boys start working in coal mines, and girls end up working as housemaids or some other labor jobs. By this age, their future is decided – labuor forever who need to struggle for every day’s meal and forget about other necessities of life. Higher education is not even a point of consideration for them as they have the clear mindset that we have to be labors after growing up then why not now. This mindset and drop out after middle school have led them into a systematic cycle of poverty and unemployment. It’s crucial to break this chain and empower the youth of this community.

Project intervention :
Our motive is to support this community and handhold their children for overall development. We attempt to enable them for pursuing higher education and securing jobs. Education is the only key to breaking these poverty barriers. For the same, Vikasalaya provides food support for malnourished kids and education support for every child from the community. We focus on malnourishment and zero dropouts before graduation. We are running an after school project to support these children in their studies. At our after school program, children are given personalized attention, motivated to study and supported with all subject tuitions.

No malnourishment, no school/college dropouts, and no poverty is our mission for this community.

Requirements :
The after school center needs very basic requirements like teacher salary, stationary, rental space and academic material. Approx expenses for catering one student for an entire year is 6000.

How can you contribute:
Any donor can adopt one or more child for an entire year and to maintain transparency, we will be updating each kid profile on our website along with donor name or donor id.  We will be sending regular updates about adopted kid's progress and let the kid connect with his/her donors. To avoid repetition of same kid to other donors, we will mention donor name wit kid profile on our website and donor id for those donors who don't want their names to be revealed. 

Donors can pay in cash or send supplies for afterschool setup. We can also get items picked via our pickup centers from other cities.

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