A very humble, nice, friendly and sweet heart person who is very close to everyone's heart. He was a true reflection of humanity who used to care for others and the world a lot. Lakshmi Kurapati (age 40) who was a loving son, a very caring husband and an inspiring dad of two little and sweet kids has passed away on 5/21/2021 morning in his home town. He went to fulfill the rituals for his dad who expired 4 days ago. Of course he tried his best to save his dad. He was standing outside yesterday morning seeing a coconut tree hanging lifelessly due to heavy rains. Foreseeing the consequence he showed his kindness and being responsible to alert other kids who were playing on the road not knowing that he is being a Hero saving them. While he saved the kids on the street he didn't noticed the very old tree is waiting to kill someone. And unfortunately, he became the victim of that and lost his life.
He has two little kids (9yrs Girl and 5 yrs Boy) and a mourning wife who couldn't digest the fact and need our help.
He has two little kids (9yrs Girl and 5 yrs Boy) and a mourning wife who couldn't digest the fact and need our help.