These tough times have taken away the sources and income opportunities for the indigenous tribals of Mumbai's Aarey Forest, the world's last surviving forest inside a megacity. Vanita Tai, a tribal rights activist, tree planter and organic farmer here with whom i co-facilitate ecocultural awareness workshops in Aarey, is now struggling to rebuild her damaged home. Tai needs our help and generosity to help her finish building her traditional tribal mud brick home before the monsoons so she is ready to welcome us back into the Aarey forest when the world seems right.
We have known Vanita Tai to lead ecocultural walks and traditional ecological knowledge workshops in Aarey forest, showing people how the tribals live sustainably and in harmony with nature. She has cooked many delicious tribal meals and told us stories of leopards and important adivasi rituals.
We have known Vanita Tai to lead ecocultural walks and traditional ecological knowledge workshops in Aarey forest, showing people how the tribals live sustainably and in harmony with nature. She has cooked many delicious tribal meals and told us stories of leopards and important adivasi rituals.
Vanita Tai (instructor in the cente) has also brought together women from her village, to teach them the skill of making low smoke rocket stoves and ensure that they earn a daily wage through this.
She has enthusiastically led the events and programmes to help her community and the forests. We have seen her belief in self-sufficiency right from growing food to making mud houses and lobbying for the rights of indigenous people. Even after a leopard attack on her, she firmly believes that Aarey forest is the home of Leopards and should be treated as a deity.
Building her home generates local employment with only local materials in an ecologically harmonious way. It preserves traditional methods and promotes local culture. Let's come forward and help Tai in her efforts with any donation amount ppossible and share this with your friends
For every donation of Rs. 5000:
Tai would like to invite the donor for Authentic Tribal lunch at her pada
For every donation of Rs. 10000:
She will plant and nurture a sapling in Aarey under the name of Donor.
Kindly share in your groups and help Tai reach her goal