Hoping for a City and World Where no One Goes Hungry! | Milaap
Hoping for a City and World Where no One Goes Hungry!
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    Created by

    Uttam Kumar Agrawal
  • Pa

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Poor and needy people

    from Bihar

My name is Uttam Kumar Agrawal and I am from Bihar. I have seen many poor families suffering at this time because of a lack of essential resources.

Since India's national lockdown began, a few of us have pooled together our own resources and have been providing food grains, rations, and other essentials to families in the city's slums. Many of these people are extremely poor or have been deprived of livelihoods because of the national lockdown. Their access to food has been compromised as a result.

 This campaign hopes to be a space where we can raise money for these families, provide for daily wage workers and smaller establishments, and build solidarity with other groups doing similar work. Hoping for a city and world where no one goes hungry!

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