Help Little Unnabh PostLiverTransplant Medical Expenses & | Milaap
Help Little Unnabh PostLiverTransplant Medical Expenses & Encephalitis
of Rs.50,00,000
331 supporters
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    Udayan Ganguly
  • UG

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from KOLKATA

  • Hello Everyone,

    I Udayan Ganguly, father (and Liver Donor) of my only son Unnabh who is now 10 and half years old, make a humble request to generate funds for his ongoing treatment. He underwent a successful liver transplant at ILBS, Delhi  for a congenital liver condition.  Unnabh recovered well after the transplant but has a prolonged hospital stay (110 days). Subsequently, he further had certain unusual issues which drastically escalated the cost of post-transplant care. He required stents in his bile ducts as well as in the vessel draining the liver. This was not the end to Unnabh's miseries and at 9 months post-transplant his liver showed signs of rejection which again required hospitalisation and the immunosuppressive medications were hiked.  

    Unnabh needs expensive laboratory tests on the weekly basis, and myself being with him always over last 10 months and earning negligible, it is getting a difficult day-by-day for a low medical class family like ours to meet the ends for our daily living. Currently, he is being hospitalized for biliary stent exchange and Liver Biopsy.

    He needs to exchange his biliary stents few more time also and needs treatment for his late acute cellular rejection as per latest biopsy report. He might have to for another surgery Splenectomy (Removal of Spleen).

    I need a generous support from everyone and prayers so that he can soon play, join the school and do everything as other kids his age. Even a small contribution can make a lot of difference in our lives.

    Like any father would do, I am trying my best so that my son can survive and lead a long life as other kids. So please do contribute towards our campaign and also share the campaign so that Unnabh can start going to school again and enjoy playing with his friends , without your support his treatment might get stopped.
  • Currently he is being admitted in icu in critical condition for Viral encephalitis and infection. 
  • Now again he needs to hospitalized for his ongoing Encephalitis and post liver transplant follow up treatment 

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