(powered by Sanshil Foundation for Welfare, Manosthiti-MHAI and Socially Souled)
🌻'No one has ever become poor from giving' -Anne Frank
Covid-19 has changed the dynamics of the entire world. The appalling virus has caused damage to almost everyone. The one's that have been the most affected are the backward and less privileged people. They don't have access to even the basic necessities of life and are relentlessly trying to sustain themselves.
Project Ahara is an effort to reduce the misery of the underprivileged during this crisis. Our aim is to provide both children and adults with free re-usable pure cotton masks. Other than this, the masks would be stitched by unemployed women which will be helpful in providing them with a livelihood during these tough times. This dual aspect of Ahara makes it stand out.
(powered by Sanshil Foundation for Welfare, Manosthiti-MHAI and Socially Souled)
🌻'No one has ever become poor from giving' -Anne Frank
Covid-19 has changed the dynamics of the entire world. The appalling virus has caused damage to almost everyone. The one's that have been the most affected are the backward and less privileged people. They don't have access to even the basic necessities of life and are relentlessly trying to sustain themselves.
Project Ahara is an effort to reduce the misery of the underprivileged during this crisis. Our aim is to provide both children and adults with free re-usable pure cotton masks. Other than this, the masks would be stitched by unemployed women which will be helpful in providing them with a livelihood during these tough times. This dual aspect of Ahara makes it stand out.
How do we plan to achieve this at a big scale?
1. We have tied up with clothing retailers and acquired unused remains of pure cotton fabrics.
2. The unemployed and less privileged women have been assigned work for stitching the fabrics into face masks. The funds raised from the donations will sustain this newfound livelihood of theirs.
3. Once stitched, the masks will then be distributed to those in need for free.
4. From the additional money raised 5kg Whole Wheat Flour and 1kg Salt would be donated to each individual along with masks.1. We have tied up with clothing retailers and acquired unused remains of pure cotton fabrics.
2. The unemployed and less privileged women have been assigned work for stitching the fabrics into face masks. The funds raised from the donations will sustain this newfound livelihood of theirs.
3. Once stitched, the masks will then be distributed to those in need for free.
No donation is small. You can donate anything. Your contribution can be in monetary terms or any pure cotton fabrics which will help us stitch the masks.
To Know more regarding the donations, Contact: +91 7428147711
As a token of appreciation, All donors will also be provided with a e-certificate.🏆 .To avail the same fill your details in the form below. Please add the name of the person who approached you.
Click here to fill the form.
As a token of appreciation, All donors will also be provided with a e-certificate.🏆 .To avail the same fill your details in the form below. Please add the name of the person who approached you.
Click here to fill the form.