Uma need help to rebuild her lost home in recent karnataka | Milaap
Uma need help to rebuild her lost home in recent karnataka flood
  • Renju

    Created by

    Renju Rajan
  • CM

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Chief Minister Relief Fund

    from Belagavi (Belgaum), Karnataka

A home has been destroyed. a family has been collapsed and relocated to another village. A family who has a handful of land with crops has been washed away, livstock ha sufered. The flood water is reducing slowly but they have a herculen task ahead, managing the basic food, necessities, cleaing the house etc. They have the hope that the governmen will help them, but it will surely take time.

This is the story of one of my colleage Ms. Uma Mathapati who's family has gone through this. A girl who came to Pune to support her family, but the recent calamity has washed away all her efforts to give them a better life. She hide her tears, never shows that she is defeated, with all the enthusiasm and energy she is coming to office, but at the same time , the worry for her family who is a 1000Kms away from her can be seen in her eyes.

Uma and citizens like her need our support, lets celebrate this Independence Day with truly giving the family a reason to cheer and smile.

We are human and its time to show we care for eah other, even a rupee contribution will make a huge impact and help the family to start again.

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