FOR THE 'PHD' DOGS! | Milaap
of Rs.3,00,000
43 supporters
  • A

    Created by

    Akanksha Majumdar
  • td

    This fundraiser will benefit

    the dogs under the care of PHD

    from New Delhi, Delhi

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by The Philanthropist and the Happy Dog

A BOWL A DAY is an initiative started by us at the The Philanthropist and the Happy Dog - or PHD, if you may! We started at the onset of Covid 19 in 2020 by feeding 85+ dogs across 5 sectors in Noida. Today, we proudly feed 200+ dogs everyday. With the passage of time, our little family grew and we've been able to help and support many animals who were perishing without food or water in the most unimaginable conditions.

We feed 200+ dogs across 4 sectors in Noida everyday - they are fed hot, freshly prepared chicken rice with a hint of turmeric (its super good for their skin!) It costs us INR 500 / $ 7  to feed ONE DOG FOR ONE WHOLE MONTH. We rely very heavily on our donors as this mammoth task wouldn't be possible without everyone supporting us monthly.

Now you may think, what's so special about this charity? Well, I will tell you what - I started feeding animals when I saw 15 years old. I always dreamt of having a charity of my own someday. Ten years later I have a registered non-profit catering to the community animals in Delhi NCR. If this is not special - then tell me what is? I dreamt of something super important one day, and I knew that I had to realise it. 

We have multiple rescues cases at any time of the year. This month we had Julie and Tesla under our intensive care. Julie had a severe infection inside her ear, which disrupted her entire life. She could eat or sleep, and the infection caused due to water accumulation if left untreated would only get worse with time.

After a week long intensive care, lots of love and TLC she was fit to be released back. She had to be on oral medicines for a while, but her infection subsided shortly after.

Tesla is one of our construction site dogs. Unfortunately, he was a victim of a gruesome dog attacked that felt his back looking like a battle ground. He had multiple dog bites which were heavily maggot infested.

He underwent treatment for 2 weeks, and finally after series of blood tests, antibiotics and IV fluids - our boy was fit to be discharged!

We have many more dogs up for adoption, who need funds to live in a paid boarding until they can find forever homes. Dogs like Oggy and Bhumi have been living in a paid boarding for a very long time. While Bhumi is a permanent boarder with them, Oggy has recently found a family for himself.

We at PHD have promised to help his family with the travel expenses. The cost of moving Oggy with his family is Rs. 20,000. We've successfully raised 50% of the amount required for his transport via train and pet friendly cabs. This might be his only chance at a family as he has been waiting since 2021 to go home.

Another very important puppy under our care is Rani. Rani was relocated then she was only 1 month old. She settled in well initially however, when she was 2 months old, she was run over by a speeding car.

The accident left her with 3 broken bones. She could not possibly live on the streets anymore and was immediately moved to a foster. We are trying to find a home for this little girl, but she has had no luck yet.

We've had a few difficult months in terms of our finances. We have about a debt of 1 lakh rupees towards our feeding bills. On top of this, we have 3-4 rescues every single month. But we are still hopeful that one day things will be different - and perhaps a little easier on the dogs and on the humans who work for them.

I have been working for community animals for the last 7 years and this charity aims to help every animal in need. I conduct sterilization drives, vaccination drives, adoptions, feeding, rescue and fostering of dogs, I am in need of funds for feeding and to meet the medical treatment expenses of my rescues.

We need every bit of support we can get. If our cause has struck the rights chords in your heart, consider being a monthly donor with us. You will see the happiness it'll bring into your life, to help a voiceless on the street!


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