Dognation is an initiative led by three teenagers, Manan Awal and Sumer Ganguly from The Shri Ram School- Aravali and Naman Garg from the Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok. This is an NGO, started during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, to help stray dogs in the best possible way we can. We consistently feed dogs and help them have a better life. They deserve to be treated equally as humans, and with belief, unity and compassion, change towards their health and safety is possible. We have been running a weekly newsletter, Dognation Weekly, that informs people about information related to dogs; spreading awareness is crucial.
After over 2 years, we have begun to tie-up with animal shelters and we need your help! It is your duty as a human to spread love, and affection towards the less fortunate strays. We request you to donate as much as possible, and soon, we will be starting physical donations too such as food, blankets, etc.
We require funds to set up animal houses for stray dogs based in Delhi-NCR. The funds would also be used to buy supplies such as milk bowls, dog food, etc. to boost the lives of dogs. In the winters, we would use the donations to buy clothing and blankets to help protect these animals from the cold.
Our aim for the future is to keep on helping stray dogs to the best of our capability! We are based in Gurgaon, Haryana, India and are committed towards working for the welfare of stray dogs!
Thank you so much for your contribution and make sure to check out our website- Dognation
After over 2 years, we have begun to tie-up with animal shelters and we need your help! It is your duty as a human to spread love, and affection towards the less fortunate strays. We request you to donate as much as possible, and soon, we will be starting physical donations too such as food, blankets, etc.
We require funds to set up animal houses for stray dogs based in Delhi-NCR. The funds would also be used to buy supplies such as milk bowls, dog food, etc. to boost the lives of dogs. In the winters, we would use the donations to buy clothing and blankets to help protect these animals from the cold.
Our aim for the future is to keep on helping stray dogs to the best of our capability! We are based in Gurgaon, Haryana, India and are committed towards working for the welfare of stray dogs!
Thank you so much for your contribution and make sure to check out our website- Dognation