Sandeep Kumar Sharma | Milaap
Sandeep Kumar Sharma
  • SR

    Created by

    Sreegopal Raman
  • Sr

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Sreegopal raman

    from Hyderabad, Telangana

Dear All,
I'm raising this fundraiser for the family of close friend of mine Sri Mohan Shivanarayana Sharma ,a victim of the ongoing pandemic..
Mohan Sharma, a 32 years old Vedic scholar par excellence in Vyakarna studied under Mahamahopadhyaya kompella Sathya Narayana Shashtri and Mimamsa sashtras from one of the foremost disciples of Brahmasri Devadutta patil of Goa..He was the only breadwinner of his five member  family survived by his wife ,15 months old daughter and his ailing parents ..
His depth of knowledge in Vyakarna shashtram is displayed in the vakyartha sadas conducted by Indic Acamedy in Varanasi..We are honored to share the link with you ..

Mohan Shivanarayan Sharma / Gurukul Prakalp Varanasi

Wat you see is just the grain of sands in the vast ocean bed such is his knowledge in Vyakarnam..He also known to have tutored PRIYAVRATA a 16year old kid in Vyakarna..Though Mohan Sharma got an offer of Professorship in reputed sanskrit college he didn't distract him from his life mission..That purpose he created a wonder called Priyavrata..He was the only income source for his family...Your generous contribution will entrust the presence of humanity and help the family in day to day needs...

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