Special Children With Special Needs | Milaap
Special Children With Special Needs
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Need Rs.4,00,000
  • Katha Kalam

    Created by

    Katha Kalam Venture
  • SC

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Special Children with Special Needs

    from Kolkata, West Bengal

The project is to improve the educational status of Special Children

The specific objectives of the project are to initiate the community to advocate for the support and education of poor children, to increase the enrollment of students in school, to increase the access of poor children to education, to change the life condition of poor children through education and to empower the households of poor children economically. I am a fundraiser and all the funds collected are used for children's education and health purpose. please help the needy people.

We request and urge all of you to support us in this mission by contributing an amount that you deem fit and also by sharing the link of this campaign with your family, friends, and colleagues so that we can maximize the reach & impact - of our past experience of running such campaigns on Milaap

Thank you for your support in advance.

Please come forward to help us serve society better with better education and also to support all the underprivileged children to get an education.

Katha Kalam  is an eminent  organization , working with children  and adults with physical  and intellectual  disabilities.. It is also an inclusive . Theatre  group which  searches &nurtures the hidden talents of intellectually  abled person in the  various creative  area, ( such as music, instrument,  dance, art and craft drama, yoga, cooking and many more) encourages them to practice  properly  and perform at the public platform  to enhance their self  ability .
  It s journey  begins  a few years ago and  continues  so on  with so many hopes and dreams of a shinny  future for all children  with special needs.

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