SPARC Public School Education Fund | Milaap
SPARC Public School Education Fund
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    SPARC Public School Students

    from Pattegarhpalya, Vijayanagara, Bengaluru

We are Teach for India fellows teaching 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade classrooms in a low income private school in Bengaluru, India.
You may have heard of us already from our previous campaign, due to which, about 120 families were able to sustain themselves during the lockdown. For that, we are eternally grateful to all those who donated and shared our campaign with friends and family.

Currently, out a total of 112 students, only 42 students have regular access to online learning and their families are able to cope up with their daily needs in addition to paying school fees. The others are not able to attend classes either due to migration, lack of resources(internet, electronic devices, etc.) or unemployment.
The last few months have been tough. With a drop in student attendance levels and an increase in unemployment, SPARC has found it increasingly difficult to stay afloat in these tough times. The Coronavirus pandemic has made it difficult for the parents to pay fees and meet their basic needs. Parents are unable to find sources to pay for their children's books and admission fees due to which remote learning has been tough.
We are relying on funds from you to help us make education affordable for additional 44 of our kids.
SPARC Public School has not provided us with any fee structure. Hence, with your help, we hope to provide each student with Rs. 3,750 which will cover the amount they are required to pay in order to collect their books. The remaining amount(i.e, the admission fees) will be paid by the parents after conversation with the Headmistress of the school.
Accordingly, we require a total of Rs. 1,65,000. Please find the break-up of the budget below-

II Grade- 11 students- Rs. 3750 per student= Rs. 41,250
IV Grade- 8 students- Rs. 3750 per student= Rs. 30,000
V Grade- 15 students- Rs. 3750 per student= Rs. 56,250
VI Grade- 10 students- R.s 3750 per student= Rs. 37,500
Total- 44 students- Rs. 1,65,000.

As 8 months have already passed since the beginning of the academic year and we are still unable to access majority of our students, we wish to use the next 3 months to gather funds and get them admitted into our classrooms.

Please find the allocation of our funds in a Google Sheet using the link here.

For any further queries or information, please reach out to us at-
  • Ann Catharin Antony-
  • Himanshi
  • Sreya Dutta-
  • Nirmal Paul-

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